Myth busting

Explore some common myths about graduate job hunting - with some surprising truths.

Career choices and planning

Degree value

For many positions this is just not the case. Employers may require a degree but they also need more - they want work experience, the right skill set, the right attitude and fit, plus motivation and enthusiasm for both the role and the company.

A lot of large graduate recruiters want a 2:1, although there is a move away from this by some companies. There are graduate schemes that accept a lower degree classification, and many smaller employers are more interested in your skills and work experience than your degree classification. Watch our video: Does it matter if you don't get a 2:1?

Job hunting

It might feel like it, but this isn't the case. Right now, you are making a decision based on what you understand about yourself and the world of work as a soon-to-be new graduate. Once you are working you may revise your decision as you learn more. It is not unusual for people to change careers several times during their lives.

This is a good place to look, but it’s also good to realise that these jobs are visible to many people and there may be a lot of competition for these. Think about making speculative approaches direct to employers,  and use your networks to hear about opportunities that might not be advertised.

If you want a place on a large competitive graduate training scheme with an early application deadline, then you may have missed out on some opportunities. However, read our information on recruitment time frames, and you can see that graduate schemes are only actually a small part of overall graduate recruitment in the UK. You may even find there are still some unfilled graduate scheme places later in the year.

It can be daunting to see how many applications are submitted for vacancies with some of the top graduate employers. 

Institute of Student Employers (ISE) data shows that the number of graduate vacancies with top employers is now 20% higher than it was in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. Job vacancies for graduates are expected to continue to increase, and in some sectors graduate supply does not meet demand.

(Source: Universities UK: Busting graduate job myths, April 2022, updated October 2023)

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It might feel like everyone around you has sorted themselves out, but it’s not always the case. If you are not looking for a place on a graduate scheme, you might not even have reached the time of year when it’s possible for you to find any relevant jobs. If you’re feeling anxious, set some time aside to work on your CV so you’re ready to apply when an opportunity comes up.

No. This will waste your time and it is disheartening to be rejected or not even hear back from employers. Do your homework: target jobs and employers carefully and take time to do fewer, stronger applications.

The majority of graduate schemes and jobs will state that applicants should have a minimum of an undergraduate degree to be able to apply but this doesn't mean that you can't apply with a postgraduate degree. Most employers welcome applications from postgraduates because of the additional skills, knowledge, experience and maturity that they bring. It is rare for there to be a separate entry route or higher salary for postgraduates, but many employers tell us that postgraduate entrants progress more quickly to higher level roles.

For some professional careers, a graduate scheme will be the main entry route if you don't have previous experience in the sector. Employers may support you to obtain relevant professional qualifications or chartership in your chosen career eg accountancy, human resources, health management, healthcare science, patent attorney, actuarial, law.

In some sectors there might be a specific entry route for those with a postgraduate qualification, for example the Civil Service Science and Engineering Fast Stream, postdoctoral opportunities in science and engineering companies and some roles in the finance sector that require high level quantitative skills.

If you have a postgraduate degree and related work experience a graduate scheme might not be right for you, as they are intended for graduates with limited relevant experience. In this situation most employers would recommend you look at their direct entry jobs for opportunities that match your skills and experience.

We can! We offer information, vacancies and events focussing on a wide range of career areas. It's true that some of the larger companies have a higher profile on campus (they have a lot of marketing resource!) but if they are not for you, come and talk to us to find out what else is available. Read more about working for a smaller company.

Most graduates don't get a place on graduate schemes with large companies. While the structured training programme in a larger company is of great value to some, others prefer the breadth of experience they may have with a smaller company. Training may be more “on the job” and less structured, but this is exactly what some graduates enjoy. In a small company you may find you have more of an opportunity to make an impact! Read more about working for a smaller company.

Some are, but many aren't. It can depend on what type of work or type of company you are interested in. For example, the automotive industry is particularly active in the Midlands and the oil industry is predominantly based in Scotland. Other sectors (such as health, local government, and social care) have graduate opportunities throughout the UK.

Many graduates work in places where they already have a connection (eg their home area or university region). London may offer high starting salaries and many of the country's big businesses, but these have regional offices too - around four out of five graduates start their careers outside of London. Read our advice on understanding the labour market for more information.

Postgraduate study

This might be true - for example, the course may be required to help you get into a specific career area. However, for many jobs having a Masters does not necessarily make you more employable. You still need to articulate the extra skills you develop through postgraduate study - and a Masters is not an alternative to having little or no work experience.

If you are thinking of doing a Masters, check whether it’s necessary for the job you want to go into: get in touch - we can help you consider your decision.

Careers support

The good news is that you can keep using our services after graduation, for as long as you need us. You can keep using your Handshake account as an alumni which gives you access to all of our appointments. You can meet us face-to-face or by video call.

We can! We can help you start thinking about different career areas, and suggest ways for you to find out more about these. We have online tools and one-to-one appointments to help you work your way through your decision making.