Your CV is a key asset in your career journey. We have tips for writing and tailoring your CV, and ways for you to get feedback.

You can get immediate feedback on your CV with CareerSet, our AI tool which scores your CV out of 100 and gives you a tailored report to improve it. You can re-upload your CV to boost your score. If you are applying for a particular job, you can also upload the job description for advice on tailoring your CV.

Upload your CV to CareerSet

You can also request written feedback via Handshake or discuss your CV in an appointment or at the careers drop-in. Check our Contact us page for more information.

A CV (curriculum vitae) is a document that gives an overview of your education, work experience and skills. You use it when applying for jobs and other work experience opportunities. A CV should always be tailored to the job you are applying for.

There’s no magic formula for the perfect CV, but there are some sections that you should always include:

  • Personal details: your name, phone number and email address. You don’t need your date of birth or a photograph.
  • Education: dates, name of institution, name of qualification and grade. UK students don’t need to list every GCSE separately; a summary will do (eg 10 GCSEs, A* to B).
  • Work experience: dates, employer name and job title. You can include all your experience (paid work, internships, volunteering) in one ‘work experience’ section or break it up into different categories.

What other sections could you include?

  • A personal profile: 3 or 4 lines at the top of your CV summarising your main selling points for the role you’re applying for.
  • Skills: to emphasise particular skills you have, such as transferable skills and technical skills that are important for the role you’re applying for. 
  • Achievements: usually from your work experience or studies.
  • Interests: focusing on the skills you have developed or demonstrated through your interests.

Use the CV checklist in CareerSet to ensure you've covered all aspects of your CV.

Feel like you have nothing to put on your CV? Read our advice on creating a CV when you have little or no experience.

There are different styles of CV, but the most common is a chronological or conventional CV. We've provided some examples further down this page.

  • Conventional or chronological CV: the most common CV format. Lists your education and work experience in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top).
  • Skills-based CV: groups your experience under different skills categories. Most often used by career changers or where your experience doesn’t directly relate to the role you’re applying for. 
  • One-page CV for part-time work: a simple, shorter CV focusing on the skills needed for a particular part-time job while studying.
  • Creative CV: people applying for create roles involving design or illustration usually have a creative CV that is in itself a demonstration of their skills. Not suitable for most roles.
  • Academic CV: for research posts in a university or research institute.
  • Be consistent in your formatting
  • Don’t use tables or boxes (many big companies use a computer to do a first scan of CVs and they often miss content within tables and boxes)
  • Use language from the job description to make it easy for the shortlister to see that you have the skills they’re looking for
  • Use bullet points and avoid paragraphs of text
  • Active words make more impact - for inspiration, look at Active words for CV (MS Word , 32kb)
  • A CV should work for you; adjust headings so they work for the experience you have
  • Use grammar and spell check tools in Word or Google Docs, and proofread carefully
  • If you are thinking of using AI (artificial intelligence) to write your CV, have a look at some of the things to consider as an applicant.
  • Don’t include references unless you’ve been asked to. You don’t need to write ‘references available on request’ as the employer will expect this anyway

Low grades

  • If you have extenuating circumstances (eg health, bereavement) state these in a straightforward way in your covering letter.
  • Draw attention to areas of higher achievement. For example, if your second year exam marks were low, then include your first year results, or results from coursework or projects.
  • For some employers your degree grade is very important in the selection process. Omitting your grade will only make these employers assume you have a low grade. As you get further into your career, degree grades will matter less.
  • Think about the order of your CV, so that your positive achievements stand out.

Non-UK qualifications

  • List your qualifications as normal but consider including a note such ‘Equivalent to…’ and list the equivalent UK qualification. You should be able to find this information online. UK ENIC (national agency for international qualifications and skills) offers a statement of comparability for a fee.

Course changes

  • Don’t leave a time gap on your CV. Present the benefits of this period of study and give a positive, factual reason for the change to another course/university. For example:

2018 -19  Study towards BSc Geography, University of Leeds

Developed analytical and numerical skills though coursework and seminars. Theory was applied to practical situations during field studies.

Achieved average grades of 63% over the two terms, but decided to withdraw from the course to concentrate on my growing interest in psychology.

Lack of work experience

Read our advice on writing a CV with little or no experience

  • The best solution is to get some work experience. You won’t have a good CV with no experience.
  • In the meantime, think broadly about your past experience; are you forgetting about something you could include? For example, think about volunteering, involvement with societies, work simulation exercises, family or care responsibilities.
  • A skills-based CV could hide the fact that you’re lacking work experience, but the best solution is to just get experience. 

Many short-term/unrelated jobs

  • If your jobs were weekend and vacation jobs, consider whether they all need to be presented (although you should certainly include some work experience or volunteering). It is fine to leave out some of your less impressive pocket-money earners, or jobs that only lasted for a week or two.
  • If you have several months or years of temporary work, you could group similar jobs together, for example:

2019 – 2020 Various temporary positions including administrative assistant and data  entry clerk. Demonstrated attention to detail, strong keyboard skills, organisation and the flexibility to adapt to different team environments. More details on request.

Disability, health issues or other sensitive information

  • You may need to decide how and when to disclose personal or sensitive information.  It may be more appropriate to do this in a covering letter rather than in your CV. See advice on this on our page for disabled students.
  • You may want to talk about this with a careers consultant, or watch our session on disclosing a disability from January 2020 (log into the VLE first to access this recording).

Look at these examples to get an idea of the different approaches to creating a CV. All the examples scored over 80% on CareerSet.

The personal information in all these examples is made up of completely fictitious data.

Chronological CVs

Skills-based CVs

One-page CVs

Academic CVs

Media industry CVs

You can also find a selection of CV examples from TARGETjobs and Prospects.

Use CareerSet to get immediate feedback on your CV. CareerSet will score your CV and give you tailored advice on how to make it better. You can reupload your CV as many times as you like. Want to know more? Watch this quick overview of CareerSet. CareerSet also lets you upload a job description and will tell you how well your CV is tailored for the job.

If you have recently had a job rejection, watch our guide on what to do if you keep getting rejected.

If you have particular concerns about your CV or questions that CareerSet can't help with, we can help. You can request written feedback via Handshake or speak to us about your CV in the daily careers drop-in or in an appointment. Check our Contact us page for more information.

To request written CV feedback:

  • Upload your CV to your Handshake Documents (no need to make it 'visible'; read Handshake's guide on uploading a document)
  • Message the Careers Information Team requesting a review and tell us as much information as possible, such as:
    • your latest CareerSet score
    • the job you are applying for, with a link
    • the application deadline, if important
    • any particular concerns or questions you have about your CV.

We give feedback within five working days. Due to student demand we can't give repeat feedback on the same document and we don't proofread for grammar and spelling. Use Grammarly, or the tools available in Word or Google Docs to help with this.