Your covering letter is an extra chance to shine. Like your CV, you should tailor it to the role that you're applying for.

We've put together information below about how to write a covering letter to impress would-be employers. We can also help you access feedback on your covering letter.

How we can help

If you're worried that your covering letters aren't quite right, we can help:

  1. Use the advice below to write your covering letter
  2. Upload your covering letter to CareerSet for immediate feedback
    • Make sure you read the whole of the feedback report, not just the bullet point highlights
    • Edit your covering letter and re-upload - you can use this service as many times as you like
  3. If you have a specific question that CareerSet can't help you with, upload your covering letter to your documents on Handshake and message the careers Information Team, requesting a review. Remember that our team do not offer a repeat covering letter review, so when you have applied the feedback, you should return to CareerSet to help further refine your covering letter. 

If you're a postgraduate student, you should also visit the Graduate Research School's applications and interviews page.