Contact us

Send us a message, or drop-in to see us for any quick queries.

Message us on Handshake

Where and when to drop-in

The Careers and Placements team are based on Campus West, near the Berrick Saul and Spring Lane buildings. Our drop-in service is available 11am to 1pm Monday to Friday in semester-time.

If you need a longer chat, please book an appointment.

Phone or email

Telephone: 01904 322685


Find us on social media

Related links

Find us on campus

Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us

Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Eligibility to use Careers services

We appreciate your feedback on our services.

If you have a suggestion to want to share positive feedback, please email


If you're not happy with our services, please tell us, and we'll do our best to rectify the situation.

Complaints procedure

Stage 1 (informal) - talk to a member of Careers staff and report the problem.

Stage 2 (informal) - if you wish to receive a written response, send us a written complaint, either by email or post and we will respond within five working days.

Stage 3 (formal) - if you are still not satisfied, please either respond to the reply we have sent you or write directly to the Associate Director of Careers and Placements, University of York.

Stage 4 (formal) - in the unlikely event that your complaint is still unresolved, you can use the formal University complaints procedure.

Related links

Find us on campus

Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us

Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Eligibility to use Careers services