Working part-time while you're studying is not just a good way to earn money but also to learn new skills and meet new people.

Students at York can work up to 20 hours per week during semesters. Many work around the city and some are employed by the University.

If you're an international student, make sure any work complies with the conditions on your visa. You must not exceed the maximum permitted hours (usually 20 hours) in any week. You must make sure you are employed and are not self-employed or working freelance.

Working while you study - advice for international students

Finding a part-time job

Additional information for disabled and neurodivergent students

Pay and working conditions

Part-time work can be a great way to experience a change of environment, earn some money to help with living costs, meet new people and develop skills for your CV. However, we're aware that for some students, working part-time can be problematic. We hope the following will help you to be aware of your rights and look after your wellbeing.

Next steps

Wondering how your part-time work can help you get a grad job in the future? York graduate Alex worked in retail while he studied and used his experience in job applications and interviews. Listen to an excerpt from Alex's interview below and hear more on our What do you actually do? podcast. Learn about building up skills and experiences on Your career journey while at York.