Careers and Placements: work, volunteering and career planning
Whether you're a current student or one of our alumni, we're here to support you in all aspects of career planning. Explore information and advice on these pages, and use our careers platform Handshake to get in touch, search for jobs, book appointments and more.
Contact us on Handshake Using Handshake
We cover areas including:
- Identifying and developing your work skills
- Choosing the right career
- Finding work experience and volunteering opportunities
- Applying for jobs
Your career journey - your starting point, wherever you are in your studies
Related links
Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us
Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Explore options
Generate career ideas, explore job sectors, or look into further study.

Develop skills
Information about our York-specific skills programmes, opportunities for volunteering, arranging work placements and more.

Apply for jobs
Help for everything from compiling your CV and covering letters to completing psychometric tests and succeeding at interview.
Related links
Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us
Using Handshake - a guide to get you started