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Things to know this week - 17 June 2024: Fraud alert

Posted on 17 June 2024

Welcome to your postgraduate taught student news summary of key things happening this week.

UoY community update

Responding to the conflict in Israel and Gaza
Following on from the Vice-Chancellor's recent email to all students and staff, we've updated our web page about our response to the conflict to include more recent detail about the actions we're taking.

Student Support Plans (SSP) project update
Huge thanks to everyone who has sent in comments and ideas to the Student Support Plan (SSP) Project Team so far -  we’re making sure they’re all included in our project plan. Please continue to send questions, ideas or feedback about SSPs and keep track of the Student Support Plan project.

Library bridge lift temporary closure
From Monday 24 June, the lift from University Road to the Library bridge will be closed for around six weeks for essential work.

20-24 June: Open Day car park closures
Some campus car parks will be closed due to our undergraduate summer Open Days this weekend.

1. Fraud alert: Fake police scam targeting international students

We’ve been made aware of a sophisticated scam currently targeting international students in the UK, including at York. A caller claiming to be from the student’s embassy informs them that:

  • they are a suspect in a crime in their home country;
  • their UK visa is at risk;
  • they need to ‘pay bail’ in order to remain in the UK. 

The scam is extremely convincing, with the student given different ways of contacting fake officials. Multiple people are involved, surveillance is used and various tactics are used to scare the student into paying increasing amounts of money. If you think that you or one of your friends has been targeted by scammers, please contact the Student Hub as soon as possible and protect yourself by finding out the tell-tale signs of a scam.

2. How to get a distinction

Set your sights on getting that distinction by attending our From Merit to Distinction workshop tomorrow (18 June). Learn strategies to elevate your work and uncover what markers look for in top-grade work. The Academic Skills Community's upcoming workshops will also give you insight into how to write a compelling thesis:

Feeling unsure or overwhelmed by your academic workload? Book a one-to-one appointment with a study coach and discuss the best way forward for you.

3. Navigating LinkedIn

Careers support continues over the summer with an interactive session on Navigating LinkedIn: Your Passport to Professional Success on 26 June. Explore how you can leverage LinkedIn to kickstart your career, connect with industry influencers, and set yourself apart in a competitive job market.

4. Marking Refugee Week in York

Refugee Week raises awareness of issues affecting refugees and asylum seekers, along with the support that’s available at the University and within the city. This year's theme is ‘Our Home’. Find out more about Refugee Week events on campus and in the city.

5. Need help with recruiting research participants?

Not sure where to begin recruiting participants for your research project? Join the GSA for their next Survey Swap Social - a monthly collaborative space where you can share your survey and support others, as well as enjoying a well earned drink and cake! With sessions planned for this Thursday (20 June) and 18 July, register your interest in the GSA Survey Swap Social.

Offers, competitions and paid opportunities

Log on to Handshake, our careers platform, for jobs and opportunities.

Student news

Things to know this week is produced and distributed by the University's Internal Communications Team. Please email any feedback to