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Things to know this week - 15 January 2024: What will you do this summer?

Posted on 15 January 2024

Welcome to your postgraduate taught student news summary of key things happening this week.

UoY community update

Study and exam success
As we enter our first week of exams, remember our tips for study and exam success for help with revising more effectively and feeling less anxious about your studies.

Fee payment reminder - 31 January 2024
A quick reminder that if you pay your own tuition fees or campus accommodation costs, a payment instalment is due at the end of this month. The easiest way to pay is via the ‘My Finance’ section in e:Vision. If you have set up a direct debit to pay your fees/accommodation, this will be automatically taken from your chosen bank account around the due date and you’ll receive a notification of the amount beforehand. ***Please be scam aware - we will never phone you and ask for card details for fee payments*** 

1. What will you do this summer?

Have you considered exploring India, Canada or the USA for a couple of weeks this summer? International Study Centres are open to all students from any degree programme. No prior subject knowledge is required and scholarships are available to help towards the costs. Applications close on Friday 16 February. Find out more and apply for an International Study Centre 2024.

2. Funding to attend GSA events

Created in collaboration with YuFund, the Postgraduate Events Hardship Fund is for postgraduates who are struggling to attend GSA events due to financial constraints. This funding is specifically relating to events - if you are struggling financially, please see support and advice on our cost of living hub.

3. Don’t let Blue Monday get you down

This time of year can be difficult. The NHS estimates that the winter blues, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), affects around two million people in the UK - so you’re not alone if you’re feeling down at the moment. Read our five tips for beating winter depression and don’t forget you can join TalkCampus for free for a 24/7 community of support.

4. City of York Council Big Transport Conversation

City of York Council are inviting all York residents, visitors and commuters to take part in an important conversation about transport in York. The city wide transport consultation will form part of the new Local Transport Plan. They would like to hear what you think they could do to improve transport into, out of, and all around York. Take part in the City of York Council Big Transport Conversation.

5. Have your say: YUSU Articles of Association

As YUSU and GSA merge to become a single students’ union, they need your feedback on how the new union will function. There are some proposed changes to the Articles of Association - a legal document that outlines the structure, purpose, and objectives of the new union. Have your say on how your new union will work and give your feedback to the proposed changes by Friday (19 January).

Offers, competitions and paid opportunities

Log on to Handshake, our careers platform, for jobs and opportunities.

Student news

Things to know this week is produced and distributed by the University's Internal Communications Team. Please email any feedback to