Activities to develop perseverance

Complete this activity to help you understand how to develop high levels of perseverance.

Be motivated to continue pursuing your goals with passion and enthusiasm following setbacks. 

First things first

Consider your existing level of perseverance. Answer this question:

What is one challenge you feel you have overcome at university?

Activity 1: Habit tracking

Read The Ultimate Habit Tracker Guide: Why and How to Track Your Habits to find out how habit tracking can be a good way to develop perseverance. 

Activity 2: Personal value list

Choose a good habit that you want to improve on by referring to this value list. Start by selecting some values that are most important to you - these will then be your focus for the next activity.

Personal value list (PDF , 32kb)

Activity 3: Track your habits

Now watch your progress! Use this habit tracker to track whether you did a habit.

Habit tracker (PDF , 172kb)

Next steps: Get involved at York

University opportunities to help develop perseverance:

Academic perseverance

Personal perseverance

Social perseverance

  • Be inspired by the personal stories from alumni in Alumni Voices

Now reassess

Now you have looked through our resources and completed the activities, reassess your levels of perseverance.
