Activities to develop optimism

Having an optimistic outlook involves more than just positive thinking.

Complete these activities to help develop the capacity to see your experiences as learning opportunities and so grow in your self-awareness. 

First things first

Consider whether you already have an optimistic outlook. . Answer this question:

What has been your biggest success at university so far?

Activity 1: Introduction to the growth mindset

The University of Manchester has developed a resource on explaining the growth mindset - how re-framing your approach to challenges can have a positive impact on your life.

Complete the growth mindset module (University of Manchester)

Activity 2: Positive thinking

Choose one of these guided meditation activities for more positive thinking.

Now complete this worksheet to acknowledge your successes.

Mindfulness worksheet (PDF , 191kb)

Next steps: Get involved at York

University opportunities to help develop optimism:

Academic optimism

Personal optimism

Social optimism

Now reassess

Now you have looked through our resources and completed the activities, reassess your levels of optimism.
