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Student Buddying Scheme

The Student Support and Advice Team runs The Student Buddying Scheme to support new home full-time undergraduate students who belong to our Student Communities

For 2025/26, the scheme will run from early September to the end of October and aims to:

  • improve the transition experience for students entering university
  • help students develop a sense of belonging and identity during their time at university
  • reduce the number of students who do not complete their course
  • provide an exciting opportunity for current students to offer support to their peers

Student Buddies are a first point of contact for new students who will share their own experiences and be on hand with friendly advice. 

Our trained Student Buddies have all completed at least one year of study at York and so know what it's like to be a student here. 

Research shows that students are much more likely to speak to a peer about any concerns they have than to seek professional support. Sometimes informal support, such as the Buddying Scheme, can be the first step to someone seeking professional support. More often than not, just knowing someone cares and being able to talk things through is all that’s needed to start feeling more positive.

Our Student Buddies also get a lot out of the scheme as they have the opportunity to learn new things and meet other students.

Being a Student Buddy

 If you are a current undergraduate student find out more about being a Student Buddy

Having a Student Buddy

If you are starting an undergraduate course at the University in Autumn 2024

"It's a wonderful experience being able to support someone  . .  as well as making friends with people you might not have otherwise met."

Ellen, 2nd year Archaeology Buddy

"It was brilliant to have a friendly and helpful person who knows what they are doing and who I could turn to if I needed."

Lucy, 1st year Health Sciences student

Other Buddying Schemes 

There are a number of other mentoring/ buddying programmes offered at the University. 

These include:

Some Academic Departments also run their own schemes.

You are welcome to get involved with more than one of these schemes if you wish.