Accessibility statement

Support for refugees

The University welcomes refugees, asylum seekers and other people seeking sanctuary who are currently living in the UK. We recognise that refugees may face many different challenges, including overcoming financial, emotional and cultural hurdles.

We have dedicated support within the Student Hub for refugees. Students can make a referral for advice and support through the Student Hub.

If you're a refugee or other sanctuary seeker let us know so we can offer tailored support and introduce you to the community of sanctuary seekers at York.

Refugee and sanctuary seeker disclosure form

Financial Support 

Students who have refugee immigration status can apply for funding from the UK Government - this is Student Finance England if you normally live in England. See UCAS Student finance for refugees and asylum seekers for further information.

You may be entitled to the York Refugee Bursary.

A Student Adviser can help you if you are not sure how to apply for funding, if you're not sure you're getting all the funding that you are entitled to, or if you are simply struggling to manage your finances. Submit a self-referral enquiry to the Student Hub.

A University of Sanctuary

York has achieved University of Sanctuary status. Our video explains more about what this means.