Tell us about your disability and send us your supporting documentation.

If you would like to access support for your disability, learning difficulty, long-term health condition or mental health difficulty, please complete our Disability Services Registration Form, providing evidence as prompted by the questions.

For all other general queries

Email or call +44 (0)1904 324785 (you will be asked to leave a message and a member of the Disability Team will get back to you).

We are based in Sally Baldwin Buildings, Block D, Wentworth Way

Disability drop-in sessions (during semesters)

Got a disability-related question? Come along to a drop-in session to chat to one of our practitioners. Sessions run every week in semester-time and are open to all students (details below). You do not need to register or have been registered with Disability Services to attend. 

If you would like to give any feedback on your experiences with any aspect of our service, please contact the Disability Services Manager, Claire Wilkinson.

Departmental Disability Representatives

There are Disability Representatives in every department. Please ask your Disability Practitioner or your departmental administrative team for your representative's contact details.

Our staff

If you have a general query, or haven't been in touch with the team before, please contact us at


Role Email
Liz Brogden SpLD Practitioner
James Browne Disability Practitioner (Arts and Humanities)
Katie Emsley Disability Practitioner (Social Sciences)
Sarah Hartley   Administrator (Tues-Fri)
Agnes Mcmonagle SpLD Practitioner
Patricia McNamara Disability Practitioner (Sciences)
Rita O'Loughlin,  Disability Practitioner (Sciences)
Kim Stephen Administrator (Tues-Thurs)
Claire Wilkinson Disability Services Manager