
You may need to 'check-in' to your teaching sessions.

Why do I need to check-in?

Check-in is a support tool that helps us to quickly identify if it looks like you may be struggling or experiencing difficulties. If it looks like you're not engaging with your studies, we will reach out with guidance and support. 

Check-In is not a punitive system. We understand that lots of things can have an impact on your life and your studies. The system is a 'safety net' that allows us to promptly reach out to students who may require additional assistance.

How does Check-In work?

At the start of on-campus timetabled sessions, you are given a six digit code or QR code by teaching staff which you’ll need to enter into the Check-In system:

Inputting a 6 digit code

  • On your computer or mobile device enter the URL:
  • Enter your University email address and password (and Duo authentication if prompted).
  • Once logged in, you will see a list of that day's sessions. To register your session engagement, click the green Present button attached to that individual session.
  • Enter the code provided by teaching staff in that session into the box at the top of your screen.
  • You will then see confirmation that you have successfully registered at the session (the green Present button will turn into a green tick).

Using a QR code

Hover your device’s camera over the QR code and click the link that appears. You will automatically be logged into the event. Please note that the system uses Duo authentication.

If, for any reason, you are unable to use the system for a teaching event, you can ask the teaching staff member to manually check you into the system.

If this is not possible during the teaching session, a member of your department can assist you afterwards. 

Please do not share codes outside of the session. If you share codes, you could prevent others from receiving the support and help they may need.

What counts as a teaching session?

Check-in at on-campus timetabled sessions such as:

  • lectures
  • tutorials
  • seminars
  • lab sessions
  • Independent Study Module project meetings

Some departments don't use Check-In - see below.

All departments are expected to use Check-In from September 2023 with the exception of the following where separate, agreed arrangements are in place:

  • CPD students
  • Postgraduate researchers (though 1st years will need to check-in to taught classes)
  • PGCE students
  • International Pathway College
  • Hull York Medical School 
  • York Online
  • Lifelong Learning

Certain programmes may require engagement above the baseline of two engagement points per week, particularly if they are subject to Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body requirements.

Can I see my engagement data?

Yes, you can see a timeline of your engagement data. When you log into Check In, you will see ‘Attendance’ and a drop down menu which now includes a timeline of your teaching events. You will also see its status:

  • Present - you were present and successfully checked into the teaching event
  • Unexplained absence - this means you did not attend the teaching event or you did not use Check In in the teaching event
  • Not Observed - this means the staff member did not populate a 6 digit code or QR code (this will not impact your engagement data)
  • Absence has been reported in Check In - this means there is an absence that has been reported in the system
  • Approved absence - this means an absence has been approved in the system for this teaching event

Check In updates within 24 hours of the teaching event occurring.

What if I can't attend a teaching session?

You should attend all timetabled sessions unless informed otherwise by your department. However, we understand that from time to time there are good reasons why you cannot attend a timetabled session. To report your absence, follow the existing processes in your department (see your departmental handbook) or use e:Vision for self-certification.

Will I be penalised for not attending sessions?

Make sure you know of any sessions that are compulsory to attend, especially if there are Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) requirements for your course. You must attend those sessions.

How will the University help?

Student engagement is monitored over a five to eight week period (depending on the academic year) from the start of semester and then again over the second half of the semester. These periods are known as a ‘block’.

  1. If engagement is below the baseline expectation, you will receive a supportive email from your department encouraging you to increase your engagement and giving you details of all support available. You don't need to respond directly to the email. 
  2. If your engagement does not improve over the next block, or there is no exceptional reason for low engagement, your department or school administration team will ask you to get in touch to discuss your continued absences. Student support services will also get in touch to offer support and advice.

Block 1
23 September - 25 October 2024

Block 2 
4 November - 13 December 2024

Block 3
10 February - 4 April 2025

Block 4 
21 April - 9 May 2025

We want you to be supported throughout your time at the University and these phone calls and emails are to help us identify any concerns you may have about your studies and enable us to signpost you to relevant support. The calls are from +44 (0)1904 809578.

What if I have a student visa?

Student visa holders have always been required to engage with their studies as a condition of their visa. The Visa Compliance Team uses the data from Check-In to make informed decisions regarding a student’s visa. We make every effort to support students with low engagement, particularly where there are mitigating circumstances. If you require any support please contact your department or college in the first instance. 

Other useful information

Make sure you know of any sessions that are compulsory to attend, especially if there are Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) requirements for your course. You must attend those sessions.

The University expects students to make every effort to attend all timetabled teaching sessions. However, we know students have different learning styles and requirements. Before any action is taken, engagement data will always be contextualised to take into account additional information such as Student Support Plans and exceptional circumstances.

Support and help

If you have any problems using Check-In, please contact your departmental admin team.

Technical support

Remember to use Duo and login with your University email account.

If you struggle to Check-In to an event, please inform the member of the teaching staff who is delivering the session. They will be able to manually check you into the system.

If you have further issues, please contact your department or school. If there are further issues, they will highlight this to the Academic Engagement Team for further investigation. 

You will need to have a device in order to access Check-In as it is a web-based tool. There are a number of options available for getting access to devices:

  • The Library runs a Laptop Loan scheme with over 100 short-loan laptops to borrow for up to four hours (available from the University Library, King’s Manor Library and Library@Piazza) and also 20 long-loan laptops which you can borrow for up to seven days.
  • You may also be eligible to apply for funding for equipment through the University’s assistance funding. Please contact staff in the Student Hub for more information about this.
  • IT Services also provide information about discounts available to students buying laptops and PCs.

Teaching staff and departmental admin teams are able to check students into the Check-In system on behalf of students, where necessary, but this is something that you would need to discuss with the member of staff leading the session.

We always recommend that you use the latest version of your browser to access Check-In. For students who have University Google accounts, we would also suggest using Chrome to have the best experience as this will always be available and updated. If you have an older device or no device at all, you may wish to take advantage of the Library’s Laptop Loan scheme.

No, you need use to register your engagement. We’ll be looking at access via the MyUoY app in the next phase of the project.

Teaching sessions

The Check-In code lapses at the end of the teaching session so students can record their attendance even if they are late. The code is usually shared at the start and end of the teaching session. If you encounter any problems, please contact an administrator in your department.

No, it will not affect your record. If a member of staff has cancelled a session, it will be removed from your timetable and therefore will not show up in Check-In.

Student FAQs

Please speak to your lecturer or a member of the departmental admin team in the first instance about what adjustments they can make. For example, staff are able to check-in students where students may be struggling to do so themselves.

Attendance at timetabled teaching sessions is an essential part of the student learning experience on all courses at the University. Much of the curriculum content of courses is conveyed through timetabled teaching sessions. Such sessions also give students opportunities to interact with academic staff and other students about course-related themes and issues. We therefore encourage students to make every effort to attend the majority of all in-person timetabled teaching sessions.

However, we do understand that students learn in different ways due to personal preferences or due to circumstances that need to be accounted for in Student Support Plans (SSP). Students with an SSP in place have this taken into consideration before receiving an email from their department to check in about their welfare and wellbeing.

Student visa holders follow the same process for registering their engagement at teaching sessions as all other students.

Student visa holders receive communications from their department or school, as well as Visa Compliance, regarding their engagement. The University's Academic Engagement and Wellbeing Policy and Procedure defines the steps the University is taking to ensure it complies with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI), whilst supporting students to engage with their studies and remain on their course.

The procedures for Check-In are primarily focused on full-time taught students. Part-time learners are not required to meet the attendance requirements set out in the procedures; however it is still helpful for part-time students to use Check-In so that departments can keep an eye on engagement from a welfare and wellbeing perspective.

Once your department or school has processed the change, please allow 3-4 working days for your timetable to be updated as this feeds into the Check-In data.

The threshold is based on your scheduled events, which will vary depending on your year of study and department.

Students receive communications from their home department.

Whether it's a simple question or more in depth support, there's a variety of help on hand for you while studying at university. The Student Hub is a first point of contact for support and advice about a range of issues regarding finance and money, private sector accommodation, health concerns, immigration advice, academic progress issues and more.

Our health and wellbeing help and support page lists different support services, both within the University and beyond, who can help with personal matters.

Please also reach out to the departmental admin teams or your academic supervisor if you need help and support on academic issues.

Your data

Check-In is not designed to be a punitive system. The purpose of Check-In is to support student welfare and wellbeing by making the University aware at a much earlier stage where students may be experiencing difficulties and are not able to engage with their programmes.

Data access and collection is agreed through the Check-In Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to meet our record retention schedule and is not kept for longer than is necessary or viewed by those who do not need it as per GDPR regulations. Access to the central database is locked down and managed by the operational owner.

Reporting in Check-In is only available to all teaching staff and a small number of professional services staff who require it to provide welfare and wellbeing support. Data can be used from Check In for engagement trend analysis. This analysis is used to improve student engagement/experience in teaching sessions/online engagement (via the VLE log in data) and overall student retention. The data is also used (anonymised) to inform student wellbeing programmes, update student communications and report back to the University where support for students may be required.

The University is the organisation that will be analysing and acting on the engagement data collected. The supplier of the system (and their data hosting partner) will also have access to the data in order to provide this service; however this data is secured and bound by the University’s procurement contract and Data Protection agreement. This means the data cannot be sold or transferred and will not be used by anyone other than the University. It may be that the University uses the data to inform UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) audits, if required. 

Future developments

The 2024/25 academic year sees new developments for Check-In and the system will now go into an annual cycle of change.

We are currently looking into new functionalities for 2025/26, which include the possibility of assessment and supervision data being present in the system. 

We are also aware that there are departments out of scope for Check-In; further exploration will be given to bring them in scope.