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Support for Students with Care Experience and Care Leavers

The term 'care experience' refers to anyone who has been, or is currently, in care. This care may have been provided in many different settings, including living with foster carers; living in a residential children's home; being looked after at home under a supervision order; living with friends or relatives in kinship care.

If you are a prospective student we offer pre-entry support to students with care experience:

Care Leaver Covenant

The term 'care leaver' means that you have care experience and that you have been in the care of your local authority for at least 13 weeks at any time since the age of 14 (the 13 weeks does not need to have been all one go). This care will have finished on, or after, your 16th birthday. 

If you are unsure whether you have care leaver status, you can check with your leaving care team, personal adviser or see the Coram Voice website for more support. 

If you haven’t been assessed as a care leaver by Student Finance but think you meet the criteria, please get in touch:

"Having a dedicated contact for care leavers really made me feel warmly welcomed to the university. I believe that having this contact is a huge contributing factor as to why I love York. It means I have someone to talk to who is aware of the help I am entitled to and I don't have to explain my past for them to understand my point of view."

Support before you arrive

Our Access and Outreach Team offers specific support, advice, and guidance to students with care experience at the pre-entry stage.

Our dedicated Access and Outreach Manager, Vanessa Conman, is here to support you in thinking about your future and pathways to university.

Vanessa’s contact details:

Learn more about pre-entry support


Are you a professional who supports students with care experience? We send out a quarterly newsletter to keep partners at local authorities and other organisations up to date with our work in this area. 

Sign up to receive the Access and Outreach Newsletter