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Exceptional circumstances affecting assessment

Sometimes things happen that can seriously impair your performance in an assessment or prevent you undertaking the assessment at the scheduled time. If these events are unforeseeable and exceptional (ie serious and unusual) you may be able to defer an assessment or take it again.

Exceptional circumstances affecting assessment policy 2024/25

York Online Fit to Sit/ Submit Policy

University assessment policies and procedures

Student Support Plans (for students with a disability) sometimes have the option to request an extension on a piece of work as part of their Plan's adjustments or to defer an examination attempt. The way to request such an extension or exam deferral is to use the exceptional circumstances claim form (at the end of this page) but to indicate that you are requesting an adjustment via your SSP when the form asks for this. Your request will then be forward to your departmental Disability Officer directly. Do not use self-certification for conditions which are addressed in your SSP.

To submit an evidenced exceptional circumstances claim, you should complete and submit the online form. 

Self-certification: This form may be used by some departments for self-certification - so please check first with your department as they may have a different form for self-certification.

Exceptional Circumstances Application Form

If your performance in or completion of a summative assessment has been seriously impaired by medical or other unforeseen circumstances, then you may be able to claim exceptional circumstances through this policy using:

  1. Self-certification for short-term, acute illnesses or short-term unforeseen circumstances prior to submission of an open assessment or commencement of an examination - no evidence needed. Students may use self-certification for a maximum of 3 assessments per academic year. Self certification is not available for use on PGR programmes or York Online programmes.
  2. Exceptional Circumstances application for assessments where the start time (exams) or deadline (open assessments) has past or where the self-certification may not be possible due to the severity of the circumstances/impact on assessment.

A summary of these processes and other FAQs are included in the tabs below (the full details are in the EC policy link at the top of the page).

Students studying on 100% online part-time Masters programmes have a different policy to support disruptions that impact assessments. See the York Online Programmes tab below or your Orientation module to learn more about the York Online Fit to Sit / Submit policy.

1. Self certification of assessment 

Not to be confused with self certification of illness if you are ill during semester time and miss teaching.

This information does not apply to York Online students, please see the York Online Programmes tab or your Orientation module for guidance about the York Online Fit to Sit / Submit policy.

For most departments, this can be done via the Self-certification Task in e:Vision. Please follow the guidance from your department.

This process means a student may either defer or have a short extension to an assessment without the need for evidence - this is suitable for short-term, acute illnesses or short-term unforeseen circumstances prior to submission of an open assessment or commencement of an examination. Students may use self-certification for a maximum of three assessments per academic year.

Assessment types permitted for self certification (see EC5 for details).

This may apply to the following assessment types:

Deferral - only before the start of the exam window

  1. Closed Examinations
  2. Aural Examinations (Listening tests)
  3. Online Examinations
  4. Open examinations up to two weeks of various durations

Four calendar day extension - only up until the submission deadline.

  1. Coursework/Essay
  2. PGT Dissertations
  3. UG Projects

Grounds for self certification 

When a student asks for self certification, approval will be automatic, as long as the criteria are met and the request is made on time. Students will be required to state the reason for the claim, ie one of the following:

  • Exceptional Medical Circumstances (Physical Health)
  • Exceptional Medical Circumstances (Mental Health)
  • Exceptional Medical Circumstances (Physical and Mental Health)
  • Exceptional Personal Circumstances
  • Inadequate IT resources

Knock-on impact of extensions and deferrals: Students must be aware of the impact of using self certification on a number of assessments. If you use self certification, this may have a knock-on effect on assessment and progression.

For example,

  • If you defer an examination and then fail the SAIFFT in the summer, then you may have to take a Leave of Absence before the next assessment opportunity.
  • A four-day extension on an assessment may mean you are working on an assessment when other assessments, classes or other responsibilities must be met.

So please, only use self certification where you have exceptional circumstances and it is absolutely necessary and appropriate to do so.

Submitting a claim 

All self-certification claims must be submitted before the relevant deadlines.

Adjustments equivalent to self certification

Although not strictly self certification, you can use the Exceptional Circumstances form to get self-certification adjustments (ie a deferral or extension depending on the assessment) in each of the cases set out below. You will need evidence to back up each type of claim and must apply before the deadline for which an adjustment is requested. For details see the relevant section of the EC policy specified:

  • For ‘bunched’ assessments. You can seek a self-certification adjustment for any exam-like assessment starting or coursework assessment with a deadline within 72 hours of another assessment for which you have made a self-certification application (see EC
  • If you are in one of a number of groups of students who, by reason of their circumstances, are entitled to see more than the usual three self-certification adjustments. You will have received a letter if this applies to you (but see EC for more details).
  • To regain the use of a ‘wasted’ self certification. This only applies if you previously used one of your three self certifications but that situation was also found to be a valid Exceptional Circumstances claim. So long as you can show that you made an EC application in good time on that first occasion, you can make an EC application to ask for another self-certification adjustment (see EC

Monitoring: Departments will track usage of this system for signs of abuse or students who may need further support to manage their studies. Fabrication of exceptional circumstances using self-certification will be treated as academic misconduct.

Self certification is not available for usage on PGR programmes or York Online Programmes.

Use support available

The University offers a range of services to help you develop skills to cope and manage challenges: