Lost or stolen cards

Contact us

  • If your card is lost or stolen please report this as soon as possible to unicard@york.ac.uk or call +44 (0)1904 324875 between the hours of 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
  • Out of these hours please contact Campus Safety on +44 (0)1904 324444. If you fail to do this you may be liable if your card is misused.

Replacement fee

A charge of £10 is made for a replacement card. You can request a replacement card by paying online here. You will then be notified by email when your new card is ready. If your old card is found after you have paid for a replacement you will not be refunded the £10. Please note that once a replacement card has been issued then any old cards become invalid, these old cards can not then be reactivated in the future.

Library account

Cards that have been reported as missing will have their library account temporarily suspended. This will stop anyone who finds your card from using it in the Library.

Processing time

We aim to produce your card by the end of the next working day; however, this cannot be guaranteed during particularly busy time such as the start of term –in these periods please leave up to seven working days before contacting us again.

New cards are activated for library borrowing at the following times of day 4.40am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm and 6pm when an automatic feed updates the library systems.

Things to consider before requesting a new card

  • Have you checked your email?
    If your card is found and handed in to us, we will send you an email.
  • Have you checked at your nearest reception desks?
    Your card may have been found and handed in to a receptionist.
  • Have you checked at the library?
    It may have been found there after your last visit.

Found a University card?

If you find a University card please hand it in to the Information Centre at Market Square or contact us as soon as possible.

Contact us

University card desk
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm


Related links

For more information on University cards for new students, damaged cards and terms and conditions:

Contact us

University card desk
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm


Related links

For more information on University cards for new students, damaged cards and terms and conditions: