Your University card
The University card is an essential part of student life and enabled for applications such as Library borrowing, printing and access control. It also details your student number and examination candidate number.
You will need your card when sitting examinations as well as for handing in assessed work.
The name printed on the front of the card is not the one that will appear on official documentation. When you sign up for graduation you will be shown the name to appear on your certificate.
Expiry date
University Cards show an expiry date. If the expiry date on your card needs updating due to a change of course end date please email unicard
Damaged faulty, worn, lost or stolen cards
Please email unicard
- Damaged cards
Damaged cards will be looked at on an individual case by case basis, a charge of £10 may apply. - Worn and faulty cards
If your card is worn or faulty, and you are no longer able to access the library and catering outlets, please email for a replacement. - Lost cards
If you have lost your card, this will incur a replacement fee of £10 – please see the Lost University card web pages for more information. - Stolen cards
If your card has been stolen, please email the team with your crime reference number on , and we will issue a replacement.
Related links
Lost or stolen card?
Find out how to report your card as lost or stolen, and how to get a new one.
Frequently asked questions
New students
All new undergraduate students should apply for a University card before arrival, using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University card.
You should apply for the card as soon as possible. Due to remote working it may take longer than usual for a card to be issued, so please apply early to avoid additional delays.
If you are starting a new postgraduate course you should apply for a University card before arrival, using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University card.
Former students who have previously had a University Card should still upload a new photograph. If you do not upload a new photograph we will use your old picture provided it is not more than four years old. Your old card will stop working.
You should apply for the card as soon as possible. Due to remote working it may take longer than usual for a card to be issued, so please apply early to avoid additional delays.
Pre-registration students
All new pre-registration undergraduate Health Sciences students should apply for a University card before arrival, using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University Card.
Post-registration students
All new post-registration Health Sciences students should apply for a University card before arrival, using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University Card.
Former students who have previously had a University Card should still upload a new photograph. If you do not upload a new photograph we will use your old picture provided it is not more than four years old. Your old card will stop working.
Postgraduate Health Sciences students
If you are starting a new Health Sciences postgraduate course you should apply for a University card before arrival, using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University card.
Former students who have previously had a University Card should still upload a new photograph. If you do not upload a new photograph we will use your old picture provided it is not more than four years old. Your old card will stop working.
All new Languages for All (LFA) and Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) students should apply for a University card using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University Card.
Former students who have previously had a University Card should still upload a new photograph. If you do not upload a new photograph we will use your old picture provided it is not more than four years old. Your old card will stop working. Members of staff or associates who are also studying a LFA or CLL course will need to contact the Information Centre before a student card is issued.
If you are starting a new Distance Learning course you should apply for a University card using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University card.
Former students who have previously had a University Card should still upload a new photograph. If you do not upload a new photograph we will use your old picture provided it is not more than four years old. Your old card will stop working.
York Online students automatically receive their University card.
All new IPC students should apply for a University card using the online process available within e:Vision. You will be sent your username and password by email. You will need to change your password and complete the online enrolment process before you can apply for a University Card.
Collecting your card
When collecting your card please remember to bring some form of ID such as passport or driving licence with you.
Full-time undergraduate students can collect their cards from their college reception at the beginning of the academic year. They will be contacted by email with further details of when and where to collect the card. Specific collection dates for the academic year 2023/24 will be released shortly.
Part-time undergraduate students will have their cards posted to their home address.
Full-time students who have previously applied/studied at the University will need to contact unicard
For any queries please contact unicard
Full-time postgraduate students who are starting at the beginning of the academic year can collect their cards from their college reception. They will be contacted by email with further details of when and where to collect the card. Specific collection dates for the academic year 2023/24 will be released shortly.
Full-time postgraduate students starting at any other time of year will need to contact unicard
Part-time postgraduate students will have their cards posted to their home address.
For any queries please contact unicard
Full-time HYMS students can collect their University cards from Hull York Medical School at induction.
Part-time HYMS student cards will be posted to their home address.
Visiting students should contact unicard
Distance learning students will have their card posted to their home address.
IPC students, starting in September, can collect their cards from the IPC college during the arrivals weekend.
- Card: The University card, is issued by the University of York.
- We/Us: The University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5NH.
- You: The person to whom a card is issued under these terms and conditions which are designed to enable that person to use the scheme.
- These terms and conditions explain our obligations to you and your obligations to us.
- You must take reasonable care of your card, to prevent damage to it. It must not be tampered with, defaced, damaged, passed on to others, misused in any University system or in any other way.
- You must take all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, theft or misuse of your card.
- If your card is lost, stolen or otherwise liable to be misused, you must inform us by contacting the University Information Centre at the earliest opportunity.
- We will replace cards free of charge which are damaged by legitimate use in University equipment or which prove faulty.
- We will charge a reasonable fee for cards replaced for any other reason, unless the charge is waived by the Academic Registrar or nominee. Please contact the University Information Centre for current fees.
- If you have a problem with using your card, you should bring your card to the University Information Centre.
- Where we consider there are justifiable grounds for doing so, we have the right to require you to return your card to us at any time, and we may suspend or withdraw the use of your card, or some of the functions on it, at any time.
- Information provided for your membership of the University will be used to produce and administer your card. Some data will be reproduced on the card itself in print or on the bar code, magnetic stripe or electronic chip.
- The data on this card may be used:
- As proof of identity on University premises.
- For access to and recording use of services such as library and printing; the use of these services is governed by separate regulations.
- For access to restricted areas.
- Data can be used by authorised staff for:
- troubleshooting issues
- investigating security incidents
- providing summary statistics for management (summary data only - not down to an individual level)
- monitoring space and property use.
- We will hold an electronic copy of your personal image. It will be accessed for administrative purposes and for identifying students in an emergency or in case of complaint. Departments and colleges may display photographs on notice boards but a student may opt out of this use.
- We may give notice of changes to these terms and conditions by display of University notices. Changes will apply from the date given in the notice.
- By submitting this application, either electronically or with a paper form, you agree to the terms and conditions and to the use of your personal data as described above.
Your University card remains the property of the University of York.
Related links
Lost or stolen card?
Find out how to report your card as lost or stolen, and how to get a new one.
Frequently asked questions