Accessibility statement

Student Visa Holders: Registration Events

It is a UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) requirement that all Student Visa holders provide a copy of their passport and visa details to the University at the start of their programme. 

Students must upload their documents to e:Vision and then attend a Registration Event, so the University can verify the documentation. Failure to do so by the deadline given could result in the student being withdrawn from their studies and their Student Visa being cancelled.

The next registration event will be between 10am to 12.30pm in the Student Hub on:

  • Friday 26 July
  • You do not need to make an appointment

Students on the 6 Week Pre-sessional course will need to attend the Registration Event between 1pm and 3pm in Room PZA/220 Piazza Building, Campus East on:

  • Friday 26 July
  • You do not need to make an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before my appointment?

You should upload the following documents in e:Vision at step 4 of the CAS request task:

  • Biometric Residence Permit (BRP): both sides of your card
  • Vignette (short term travel visa):  showing the Border Force arrival date stamp


  • eVisa decision letter and;
  • If you are under 18 you must also upload a letter from your parents/guardians giving their permission for you to travel; and supply contact details of a UK-based parent/guardian.

What do I need to bring with me to my appointment?

Please ensure that you have the following documents with you:

  • Student card
  • Passport
  • Vignette (short term travel visa): found inside your passport and date stamped when you entered the UK. If you have an eVisa you will not have one of these.
  • Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or if you have an eVisa you will need to bring a valid share code with you (see below for further information).
  • Original hard copy of the academic qualification document that is stated on your CAS.

I have an eVisa - what else do I need to do?

If you have an eVisa, you will need to provide us with a share code to prove your immigration status. You should generate the share code before you attend your registration event appointment, and bring it with you to the event. You should also upload a copy of the Decision letter you received about your Student Visa application, at step 4 of the CAS request task in e:Vision, before you attend your appointment.

Please also bring some form of evidence to your appointment to show when you entered the UK, eg flight ticket or boarding pass. This can be provided in a digital format and does not need to be uploaded to e:Vision.

I don’t have a date stamped vignette. Is that a problem?

If you have a vignette, but it was not date stamped when you entered the UK, it's most likely because you used an e-Gate. e-Gates can be used by residents of:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • United States of America; and
  • the EU

If you arrived in the UK from one of these countries please bring some form of evidence to your appointment to show when you entered the UK, eg flight ticket or boarding pass. You will be asked to provide this at the event and should not try to upload it to the CAS request task. You can show us this evidence in a digital format, for example a flight ticket email.

If you are not a resident from one of these countries, please speak to a member of staff at your registration event appointment. 

What is the Original academic qualification document I need to bring?

This is the named document that is on your CAS under ‘Evidence used’. Please bring the original document, photocopies are not accepted. If this document is not written in English, you will need to provide an official original English translation at your appointment, as well as the original document. 

Who to contact

  • Immigration Advice Service
    Student Hub, Market Square
    Tel: +44 (0)1904 324140

    Please complete our referral form, available on our immigration advice page.
  • Visa Compliance Team
    To contact the team:
    Tel: +44 (0)1904 328025 available from 10am to 4pm
  • Student Hub
    Office hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday
    Opening times: 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday