Independent Playwriting Project - TFT00087H

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  • Department: Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
  • Credit value: 40 credits
  • Credit level: H
  • Academic year of delivery: 2025-26

Module summary

In this module you will plan, research and write an ambitious, hour-long play on a topic of your own choosing, and will document your research
and development process with a detailed analytical essay.

Related modules

Students are encouraged to take Playwriting for Performance, but this is not essential.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 2 2025-26

Module aims

To give you the opportunity to design and execute an ambitious independent scriptwriting project. To test and enhance your command of the
knowledge, skills, and techniques acquired during previous scriptwriting modules. To enable you to understand and participate actively in the
process of script development. To develop your ability to analyse and reflect on a range of sources and your own creative processes.

Module learning outcomes

To have written an 11,000-12,000 script and a careful analysis of their research and writing process. To have applied and extended the
understanding, skills, and knowledge acquired through your work on earlier scriptwriting modules. To be able to analyse lucidly, and report on, the
function, scope and effectiveness of your R&D period.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 25
Essay/coursework 75

Special assessment rules


Additional assessment information

Research & development framing portfolio 3000 words = 25% Script 11000 words = 75% Submission: RA Week 2, Semester 2

Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 25
Essay/coursework 75

Module feedback

Formative feedback will be given as part of the ongoing practical workshops and individual supervisions.

You will receive written feedback in line with standard University turnaround times.

Indicative reading

Due to the independent nature of this project, students will create their own bibliography.