Department: Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
Credit value: 20 credits
Credit level: I
Academic year of delivery: 2022-23
See module specification for other years:
Module summary
This module will provide you with a deeper understanding of the design processes used in developing interactive media systems and experiences, whether this is for designing a website, a tangible interaction, virtual reality game, or interactive documentary. In lectures and practical sessions you’ll explore how to gather and analyse data from end users and stakeholders to develop nuanced understandings of problem spaces. You’ll also learn industry standard design and prototyping software and tools, while also conducting your own user research and creating designs and prototypes that draw on the findings from your data.
Module will run
Teaching period
Spring Term 2022-23
Module aims
To develop students’ understanding of design practice methodologies and production workflows for interactive media
To develop students’ ability to employ different technologies in the implementation of interactive media applications (sensors, virtual spaces, recorded audio-visual media, mobile platforms, etc.)
To develop students’ understanding of how to evaluate user experience in the context of interactive media systems
To provide a forum for creative thinking
Module learning outcomes
Subject content
to be able to design an interactive media application
to be able to select and employ appropriate technologies in the implementation of an interactive media application
to be able to methodically evaluate and iterate the usability of interactive media user experiences through basic user testing studies
Academic and graduate skills
Demonstrate creative skills in designing interactive media concepts
Demonstrate problem solving skills including the choice of appropriate software tools to deliver a considered working solution.
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues relating to experiment design for user experience evaluation
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Oral presentation/seminar/exam
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Module feedback
Students will receive individual oral feedback for the weekly practical lab sessions, during the lab sessions.
Students will receive written feedback on coursework assignments using a proforma identifying key requirements and marks awarded for sections of the assignment. This will be available within 20 working days of submission, except in exceptional circumstances which will be communicated to the students.
Indicative reading
Indicative type of book:
Cooper, A., Reimann, R., Cronin, D. and Noessel, C., 2014. About face: The essentials of interaction design. John Wiley & Sons.
Krug, S., 2013. Don't make me think: A common sense approach to web usability. New Riders.
Interdisciplinary Interaction Design: A Visual Guide to Basic Theories, Models and Ideas for Thinking and Designing for Interactive Web Design and Digital Device Experiences, James Pannafino, Assiduous Publishing, 2012.
Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction. Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jenny Preece, Wiley, 2011.