- Department: Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
- Credit value: 10 credits
- Credit level: M
- Academic year of delivery: 2022-23
This module enables students to understand the visual effects creation process in detail. This includes gaining a fundamental knowledge of visual effects design as well as a detailed practical understanding of compositing and how visual effects work is integrated into film and television projects.
Occurrence | Teaching period |
A | Autumn Term 2022-23 |
To provide a hands-on environment in which advanced visual effects techniques and technologies can be explored through solving real-world problems.
To enhance and develop a range of creative and technical skills in visual effects creation using industry standard systems.
To provide the basic mathematical fundamentals required to enable the exploration of image processing algorithm design.
To develop and encourage professional production values through technical expertise and reflective learning.
Upon completion of this module students are expected to be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of picture compositing algorithms and demonstrate their use in industry-standard postproduction tools Nuke.
Demonstrate an understanding of the technologies and applications of digital matte creation, rotoscoping, object tracking, matchmoving and compositing as well as demonstrate how tools are applied in visual effects creation.
Demonstrate an understanding of and basic facility with the use of custom scripting in node-based compositing systems.
Demonstrate a basic understanding of virtual camera work and practical set augmentation.
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
Practical sessions each week involve supervised exercises where detailed feedback is provided.
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
Detailed feedback will be given to students on their production project by Week 5 SpT
Ganbar, R. (2014) Nuke 101: Professional Compositing and Visual Effects, 2nd Ed.. Berkeley: Peachpit Press.
Brinkman, R. (2008) The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, 2nd Ed. Morgan Kaufmann.
Lanier, L. (2013) Digital Compositing with Nuke. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
Lanier, L. (2010) Professional Digital Compositing Techniques: Essential Tools and Techniques. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
Foster, J. (2010) The Green Screen Handbook: Real-World Production Techniques. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
Wright, S. (2010) Digital Compositing for Film and Video, 3rd Ed. Amsterdam and London: Focal Press.
Van Hurkman, A. (2011) Color Correction Handbook. Berkeley: Peachpit Press.
Sawicki, M. (2007) Filming the Fantastic: A Guide to Visual Effects Cinematography. Amsterdam and London: Focal Press.
Brown, B. (2002) Cinematography Theory and Practice. Amsterdam and London: Focal Press.
Dobbert, T. (2005) Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing.
Millimeter Magazine: http://digitalcontentproducer.com/
Digital Video Magazine: http://www.dv.com/
TV Technology: http://www.tvtechnology.com/
Televisual (UK, pay only): http://www.televisual.com/
Broadcast Engineering: http://broadcastengineering.com/
Post Magazine: http://www.postmagazine.com/
Computer Graphics World: http://www.cgw.com/
Cinefex (pay only, in library): http://www.cinefex.com/
3D World: http://www.3dworldmag.com/
VFX World: http://www.awn.com/magazines/vfx-world-magazine