Developmental Social Neuroscience is a relatively young discipline in Developmental Psychology. It became established in record time due to the relevance of the research in this domain for our understanding of human social and emotional development. The aim of this module is to discuss theories, concepts, and methods of developmental social neuroscience, as applied to several topics of investigation: emotion expression processing, emotion regulation, empathy, atypical development - conduct disorders. We will primarily focus on the first years of life (infancy and toddlerhood), and mostly on topics related to emotional development.
Module learning outcomes
Review, with some guidance, some of the topics under debate in the developmental social neuroscience
Analyse and assess the value of the social neuroscience approaches for the understanding of key issues in developmental psychology
Describe and evaluate different examples of empirical evidence in developmental social neuroscience
Illustrate and discuss, with some direction, the debated nature of the knowledge concerning the development of emotion information processing, emotion regulation, empathy, and antisocial behaviour as resulted from applying social neuroscience paradigms.
Manage and synthesise information, recognize relevance of literature and develop sustained and reasoned argument from a range of sources Formulate and communicate personal views regarding the discussed topics in developmental social neuroscience
Module content
Neuroscientific approaches to early social development
Learning about others’ emotions from face and voice
Emotion expressions processing – mechanisms of development
Processing and visualizing infant ERPs
Emotion regulation during early childhood
Early empathy development
Origins and development of aggressive and antisocial behaviour
"Tell others about early social development" (applied, interactive)
Origins of anxiety disorders
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled)
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled)
Module feedback
Marks will be released through e:vision.
Indicative reading
None specified.
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