See module specification for other years:
Module will run
Teaching period
Spring Term 2022-23
Module aims
The internet has undoubtedly become ubiquitous in 21st century living and psychological research has become more and more interested in how people behave online, the implications on wellbeing, and importantly, what aspects of the internet are beneficial and which are not.
During this module we will look at research and theories which attempt to help us understand these issues. We will examine the research which tries to explain how people portray the self online, how it can influence our behaviours offline, and whether internet use can be addictive. We will ask questions such as 'Can people be influenced online?', 'Who benefits most from online interactions with others?' and 'Can people become addicted to the internet?'
Each session will consist of a lecture delivered by Dr Sally Quinn, a student presentation, and smaller discussion groups.
Module learning outcomes
To explain the characteristics of the internet that influence online behaviours
To explain how the internet can play a role in changing attitudes and behaviours
To explain and critically evaluate the relationships between individual factors and online behaviours (e.g. internet addiction, gaming and aggression)
To explain how Virtual Reality can be used as a treatment for physical and psychological illnesses and evaluate its efficacy.
Module content
Introduction to Cyberpsychology
Self and Identity Online
Social Influence Online
Online Love and Relationships
Young People and the Internet
Internet Addiction
Virtual Reality as a Therapeutic Tool
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled)
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled)
Module feedback
The marks on all assessed work will be provided on e-vision.
These marks will be accompanied by module feedback forms which will be circulated by e-mail.
Students will meet supervisors in wk 6 in AuT, SpT and wk 9 in SuT to discuss their marks.
Indicative reading
Most of the key reading for this module will be from the following book:
An Introduction to Cyberpsychology (2016) . I. Connolly, M. Palmer, H. Barton & G. Kirwan (Eds). Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.