The Politics of Gender - POL00066I

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  • Department: Politics and International Relations
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: I
  • Academic year of delivery: 2025-26

Module summary

Gender shapes our political and social landscape and our personal interactions. The module will explore gender theories and apply them to political issues at a domestic, international and transnational level.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 1 2025-26

Module aims

‘Politics is gendered’. ‘Gender is a political issue’. What do these statements exactly mean? And, how can gender theories help us make sense of politics and political theory? This module aims to introduce students to gender theories and to enable them to draw upon these theories in making sense of political issues, broadly conceived. The module will guide students through the established cannon of theoretical work on gender, including scholarship which considers the relationship between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’, on trans* issues, discourse and performativity theory, intersectionality, (post)coloniality, masculinity, sexuality, and social reproduction theory. It will also explore how ideas about the nation state and our transnational order are gendered. In addition to analysing the contributions and challenges of gender theory to thinking about politics, we will engage with a wide variety of positions within gender studies to appreciate the internal diversity about political issues characterising and dividing such a rich body of scholarship and activism.

Module learning outcomes

Upon completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the most important theoretical approaches to understanding gender (PLO1)

  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the political nature of gender, by analysing and evaluating key political (domestic and international) issues through a gender lens (PLO2)

  • Research (with minimum guidance) issues in gender and politics, by applying appropriate methodologies (PLO3)

  • Work (with minimum guidance) to address issues pertaining to the gendered nature of domestic and international politics, by identifying possible solutions (PLO4)

  • Clearly communicate concepts and theories in gender studies relevant to the study of politics (PLO5)

  • Demonstrate awareness of the plurality of views and approaches in gender studies and politics and their wider social implications (PLO6)

Module content

Likely structure to include:

1 Intro

2 Sex/gender

3 Trans theory and politics

4 Race, gender and intersectionality

5 Discourse and performativity

6 Masculinities


8 Postcolonialism and gender

9 Social reproduction

10 Assessment guidance

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Module feedback

Students will receive written timely feedback on their formative assessment. They will also have the opportunity to discuss their feedback during the module tutor’s feedback and guidance hours.

Students will receive written feedback on their summative assessment no later than 25 working days; and the module tutor will hold a specific session to discuss feedback, which students can also opt to attend. They will also have the opportunity to discuss their feedback during the module tutor’s regular feedback and guidance hours.

Indicative reading

Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (London and New York: Routledge, 1990).

R.W. Connell, Masculinities (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995).

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet (Berkeley, LA: University of California Press, 1990).

Patricia H. Collins, Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment (New York: Routledge, 1990)

Silvia Federici Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, reproduction, and feminist struggle (Oakland: PM Press., 2012)