The aim of this module is to give students experience in researching and writing on a well-defined philosophical problem.
Module learning outcomes
By the end of the module students will have:
Carried out research largely on their own under the guidance of a supervisor
Acquired experience in independent research
Worked on an essay developing a point of view on the chosen topic of research
Module content
This module is designed to enable students with specialised interests to pursue independently a topic of their own choosing. Students taking this module propose an independent study topic which must be approved by the Board of Studies at its Week 6 meeting of the Autumn Term. If approved, the student will work under the supervision of a member of staff.
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Module feedback
Feedback on formative work will be returned by a date agreed with the project supervisor.
Feedback on summative work will be returned 4 weeks after submission.