International Business in the Global Context - MAN00017M

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  • Department: The York Management School
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: M
  • Academic year of delivery: 2023-24

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 1 2023-24

Module aims

The module is designed to develop the knowledge and understanding of the major issues that businesses are confronted with when operating in a global context. Drawing on a historical perspective, the module is devoted to discussing and applying the theories and frameworks associated with foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise to explain strategies and tactics followed by multinational enterprises to address the risks and challenges, and opportunities in the global environment. Big challenges facing society with implications on business such as the environment and climate change, sustainability, risk and security, poverty, and sustained economic development, are discussed. The role and responsibility of entrepreneurs and managers and the impact they have on society and on tackling these big challenges and other complex phenomena is highlighted. All discussions about the significance of the global context in international business, as well as theoretical concepts and frameworks presented, are examined, and applied by reference to examples both in the lectures and in seminars.

Module learning outcomes

Academic and graduate skills

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of the complex nature of the international business environment and how it influences international business activities.

  • Gain an awareness of the evolution of international business and the significance of changing contexts, and in particular, of the multiple waves of globalisation and deglobalisation in the world economy.

  • Evaluate and apply learned concepts, theories and frameworks associated with foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise.

  • Identify and understand the alternative strategic approaches and tactics when operating in the global environment.

  • Understand the increasing significance of high-risk environments characterised by high vulnerability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in multinational business activity.

  • Gain an awareness of the responsibility of entrepreneurs and managers, and the impact they may have on society when operating a global business environment.

  • Use knowledge acquired in preparation and discussion of case studies which simulate decision taking in real life situations.

  • Present and discuss their ideas in public and improve skills to work in groups.

  • Couple backward-looking analysis with forward-looking decision making; and learn to mix qualitative and quantitative types of work (using numbers to inform qualitative judgement) in writing and in presentations.

Module content

Subject content

  • The historical development and the current patterns of international business activity; waves of globalisation and deglobalisation

  • The international institutional environment

  • Theories of foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise

  • Multinational market entry modes

  • Liability of foreignness and its implications in global business

  • Foreign direct investment in high-risk environments

  • Productive and unproductive entrepreneurship and management

  • Multinational strategies and the evolution of global value chains

  • Organisational innovation in global business

  • International technology transfer, intellectual property rights and global value chains

  • Responsibility in business and the international business environment

Teaching Material

  • Handouts of the lecture slides will be made available on VLE before the classes

  • Video recordings by the Lecturer introducing case studies and other relevant material

  • A detailed reading list by week, with key readings and other recommended readings, giving a comprehensive coverage of the content of the module.

  • Case studies

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Module feedback

Feedback will be given in accordance with the University Policy on feedback in the Guide to Assessment as well as in line with the School policy.

Indicative reading

Collison, Simon, Rajneesh Narula, and Alain Rugman. 2020. International Business. London: Pearson.