This module provides practical training in all stages of development of psycholinguistic experiments. Two or more from the among the following methods are covered: self-paced reading, self-paced listening, eye-tracking with text, visual-world eye-tracking, web-based tests.
to provide training and hands-on experience in all stages of development of psycholinguistic experiments using two or more of the following methods: self-paced reading, self-paced listening, eye-tracking with text, visual-world eye-tracking, web-based tests.
to deepen understanding of the relationship between hypotheses, experiment design, and data analysis, as these relate to the practicalities of specific psycholinguistic tools.
to introduce good practice in running experiments, lab protocols, and managing data.
Module learning outcomes
enhanced understanding of how to design and run experiments in psycholinguistics
experience in using at least two different psycholinguistic experiment software packages (e.g., PsychoPy, Experiment Builder, EPrime, Linger, OpenSesame, Ibex Farm, Gorilla)
experience of participating in and running trials in an eye-tracking experiment
enhanced understanding of how to plan data analysis
Module content
A large portion of the content of this module will be delivered through two day-long practical workshops. These are followed by seminars, which will include opportunities for students to develop their assessment projects.
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Special assessment rules
Additional assessment information
The summative experiment project assessment comprises the following two components:
a short experiment built in one of the tools introduced on the module
a report (1000 words) in the form of an abstract on the experiment design procedure
The formative experiment proposal is designed as the first step of the experiment building process.
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Module feedback
Written feedback on the formative work to be provided within two weeks of submission.
Written feedback on summative work to be provided within four weeks of submission.
Indicative reading
Schmid, M. S., Berends, S. M., Bergmann, C., Brouwer, S. M., Meulman, N., Seton, B. J., ... & Stowe, L. A. (2015). Eye-tracking and the visual world paradigm. Chapter 5 in Designing research on bilingual development: Behavioral and neurolinguistic experiments (pp. 55–80). Dordrecht: Springer.