Motivation in Education - EDU00061M
Module summary
The aim of this course is to examine research, theory, and practice relating to motivation in educational settings. Please note that this module is not linked specifically to language learning although it does include two sessions focused on motivation and language learning – but within a wider view on motivation in educational contexts.
Module will run
Occurrence | Teaching period |
A | Semester 2 2025-26 |
Module aims
This module will enable students to understand and interpret a range of motivational components in human behaviour observed in educational settings, and will help them make links between research on motivation and education. By reviewing most influential theories of academic motivation, students will have an opportunity to critically examine the current motivational theories and develop an integrative personal view of what motivates learning. In whole class and small group discussions students will be encouraged to formulate arguments and contribute to discussion with their views supported by evidence from research.
Module learning outcomes
Subject content
- Review a number of theories of academic motivation
- Gain knowledge of the roles of goals, tasks, values, interests, attributions, beliefs, incentives, rewards, and social and cultural processes in motivation
- Apply the knowledge to understand and improve the learning of students
- Critically examine current motivation theories, and develop an integrative personal view of what motivates learning
Academic and graduate skills
- Formulate arguments and contribute to discussion
- Develop academic writing skills
- Participate in individual and group work and presentations
- Demonstrate effective planning and time management
- Word-process, manage files, use-email, VLE and the Web
- Undertake empirical and literature research
Module content
Introduction to academic motivation
This session examines definitions of academic motivation and considers the relationship of motivation to learning and performance.
Self-efficacy theory
This session considers research and theory framed by social cognitive approaches and focuses on self-efficacy theory.
Mindset and Goal theory
This session examines the role of mindsets and goal orientation: people’s reasons for engaging in tasks.
Self-determination theory: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
In this session the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation will be discussed The contribution of Ryan and Deci’s Self-determination theory will be a focus of the session.
Motivation and language learning
This session will examine motivation in relation to language learning and will aim to answer the question: What motivates you to learn a foreign language?
Motivation and learning problems
In this session we consider how motivation might operate in different ways for students with learning difficulties.
Motivation in cross-cultural contexts
This session examines how theories of motivation stand up to scrutiny in cross-cultural research. Adaptation of motivation theories to cross-cultural educational settings will be considered.
Motivation and procrastination
In this session we examine what happens when our motivation clashes with what might be a universal tendency to delay action, even with sometime dire consequences.
Behavioural indicators of motivation
In this session we look at some possible indicators of motivation, and in particular, we look at how teachers might indicate engagement with students.
Indicative assessment
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
Module feedback
Individual written feedback reports, with follow-up tutor meeting, if necessary. The feedback is returned to students in line with university policy. Please check the Guide to Assessment, Standards, Marking and Feedback for more information.
Indicative reading
Schunk, D. H., Pintrich, P. R., & Meece, J. (2008). Motivation in education: Theory, research, and applications (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Remedios, R. (2012). Understanding psychological theories of motivation: An introductory guide. Routledge.