See module specification for other years:
Module will run
Teaching period
Semester 1 2024-25
Module aims
Although language use and language learning naturally occur in social contexts, they are, essentially, mental processes. Accordingly, this module examines the relationship between the human mind and language. It focuses on how language users (including language learners and bilingual speakers) process language, and based on research findings, draws implications for how language comprehension, production and acquisition can be facilitated in educational contexts.
Module learning outcomes
Subject content
By the end of the module, students will
be familiar with the main methods used to investigate language comprehension, production and acquisition
be aware of the complexities of language processing and the reasons why it is often difficult to manipulate them by conscious will or explicit instruction
be able to appreciate and discuss why certain things happen, or fail to happen in language processing and language learning
be able to evaluate the relevance of major research findings for language education, and voice informed opinions regarding teaching practice
Academic and graduate skills
Students will:
gain practice in leading group discussions
develop a critical approach to reading
learn to extract key points from articles
identify arguments and evidence
compare opposing viewpoints about controversial issues
reflect on their participation in psycholinguistic experiments
Module content
The following is indicative of the different topics that will be covered:
An introduction to key themes of psychology of language and language learning;
Mental representations of vocabulary and grammar;
Reading: Visual word recognition;
Listening: Spoken word recognition;
Sentence processing and comprehension;
Discourse comprehension;
Language production: writing;
Language development
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Module feedback
Individual written feedback reports with follow-up tutor discussion if necessary. The feedback is returned to students in line with university policy. Please check the Guide to Assessment, Standards, Marking and Feedback for more information.
Indicative reading
Carroll, D. W. (2008) Psychology of language. 5th edition. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
Field, J. (2003) Psycholinguistics. A resource book for students. London: Routledge.
Harley, T. (2014) The Psychology of language. From data to theory. 4th edition. Hove: Psychology Press.
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