Applied Microeconomics II - ECO00067M

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  • Department: Economics and Related Studies
  • Credit value: 10 credits
  • Credit level: M
  • Academic year of delivery: 2022-23

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Spring Term 2022-23

Module aims

to offer insights obtainable from game theoretical models;

to provide an understanding of the methodological and empirical issues involved in the application of such models;

to interpret the results of such applications in decision-making contexts;

to provide a bridge between game theory and real world decision-making and policy problems;

to provide the underlying theory and analysis for other courses to build upon. Thus optional courses such as Applied Microeconometrics and Finance and Investment, represent opportunities to consolidate and extend on material covered in this course.

Module learning outcomes

On completing the module a student will be able to:

understand basic applied game theory with applications;

understand basic incentive theory with applications;

understand techniques involved in applications of the above theories.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled) 100

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled) 100

Module feedback

Four weeks

Indicative reading

No single textbook exists which covers all material at the level presented. Together, the following text books cover all components of the module on various levels of technical rigour.

Hugh Gravelle & Ray Rees (2004) Micreconomics, 3rd Ed., Peason: Essex.
This is a standard undergraduate micro textbook suitab;e for students without a strong economic background.

Gibbons, R, A Primer in Game Theory, Financial Times, 1992.
This book provides an excellend and gentle introduction to graduate-level, applied game theory.

Jehle, G. and P. Reny, Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd, Prentice Hall, 2011.
This is a more complete and more formal presentation of the required topcs than contained in the above books. It is recommended for students with a good economics background who are happy to pursue the subject on an advanced, mordern level.

Loffont, J.-J. & D. Martimort (2003) The Theory of Incentives, Princeton University Press.

This text provides a complete, graduate-level discussion of the topics on information economics.