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Skills for Chemists - CHE00019C

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  • Department: Chemistry
  • Module co-ordinator: Dr. Annie Hodgson
  • Credit value: 10 credits
  • Credit level: C
  • Academic year of delivery: 2022-23
    • See module specification for other years: 2021-22

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Autumn Term 2022-23 to Summer Term 2022-23

Module aims

This module will provide students with vital skills required for their degree programme, and will introduce students to the more independent learning styles expected at university level. There will be a major focus on mathematical/quantitative skills, introduction to coding and biological/physical background in one part of the module. The other part of the module will focus on developing the students’ skills in independent library research work; synthesising arguments to solve problems; team-working and presenting their findings succinctly both verbally and visually. The topics covered in this module aim to support and complement the subjects studied by the students as part of their individual post-16 programmes.

Module learning outcomes

  • To carry out mathematical manipulation, including simple algebraic work, manipulation/conversion of units and propagation of errors.

  • To use mathematical and computational/coding methods to solve a range of chemically relevant problems, and be able to quantify uncertainties.

  • To develop an understanding of fundamental physical concepts that underpin key areas of chemistry such as waves, electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic interactions.

  • To carry out scientific calculations using units, and be fluent in manipulating units.

  • To gain the knowledge required to understand the areas of chemistry relying on the use of mathematical methods.

  • To appreciate the molecular/chemical aspects of life processes, building the basic biological background needed for further chemistry modules.

  • To develop transferable and problem-solving skills, with particular emphasis on communication.

  • To understand the options and opportunities available to gain the required skills for employability

Module content

  • The Happening (NDL, 1 day (6 hours)
  • Mathematics (DAW/JD, 4 two hour workshops; as required following survey session)

The mathematics course is designed to support all the students in coping with the mathematical aspects of the chemistry course, but in particular those who do not have a post-16 maths qualification. All students are provided with support materials for private study. The survey identifies those who require additional support and who therefore need to attend the workshops. Other students may attend specific workshops as required to support particular topics with which they have difficulty.

  • Errors and Uncertainty (KMM, 3 lectures, 1-hour optional online drop-in session)

By the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Define, use & understand key terms :
    • error & uncertainty
    • precision & accuracy
    • systematic / random error
    • mean, median & modal average
    • sample, population & distribution
  • Quote & calculate an appropriate number of significant figures for a value.
  • Understand normal distribution
  • Calculate standard deviations
  • Combine uncertainties
  • Present graphs with error bars
  • Obtain a range of fits from data plotted with error bars
  • Calculate standard error for sample mean
  • Propagate independent, uncorrelated uncertainties
  • Understand method of least-squares fitting
  • Physics and Quantitative Skills (MEH, flipped course, ca. 2-hour online resources, three 1-hour workshops)

“Physics and Quantitative Skills” focuses on some of the fundamental principles of Physics that underpin key areas of Chemistry including: classical mechanics, waves and oscillations, electromagnetic radiation and electrostatics. Using these physical concepts as a basis, this course aims to build the students' problem solving abilities with a particular focus on the proper treatment of quantitative results and units.

  • Becoming a Professional Chemist (ABH, 4 workshops, 10 min group tutorial, 3 hour symposium)

Students will develop transferable skills in team-working, problem solving, thinking/reading critically, working ethically and with integrity, independent learning, literature searching, referencing, handling information, synthesis of arguments from a range of different sources, abstract writing and oral/visual presentation skills. Students will use their independent learning approach to address key problems in cutting-edge chemistry or (in the absence of an A-level, or equivalent, biology qualification) an aspect of biological chemistry.

  • Building a Biological Background (AMB/GJD, flipped course, 4-hour online resources required for students with no A-level Biology, 1.5-hour drop-in session, online test for all students)

The online materials cover selected aspects of Biology/Biochemistry that are especially relevant for further core and option modules, familiarising students with biological/biochemical nomenclature.

  • Molecular Graphics & Protein Data Bank (PDB) (KDC, 3 hour workshop)

Students will use free-access graphics programmes for display and manipulation of protein/DNA structures. They will perform practical analysis of secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures, 3-D analysis of selected enzyme mechanisms and learn the basics of making figures of proteins for presentations and written work.

  • Mathematics for Chemists (PBK/SS, 9 two hour workshops)

Mathematics is taught in a chemical context and covers topics from calculus, power series, vectors and statistics. In the combined lecture and workshop sessions the students are introduced to a topic and then work through problems with guidance and supervision in order to develop their problem-solving skills in a 'hands-on' way.

  • Introduction to Coding (KDC, flipped course, 1-hour online resources, two 2.5-hour workshops)

The ability to understand, manipulate and write computer code is a key skill with applications across science, including the analysis, manipulation and interpretation of data, and controlling the interface with instrumentation involved in measurements. This introduction to the Python language will prepare the ground for future applications to kinetics and other data-based (physical chemistry) applications.

  • Self-Directed Learning Skills for professional chemists (DSP 1 hour intro + online materials)

A lecture to introduce the various 'Self Directed Learning Packages' (“Chemists’ Toolkit”) available online, which are designed to equip students with some of the skills required as a professional chemist. These packages introduce skills needed throughout the degree programme and are designed to be worked through prior to the skills being required in other areas of the course. Those designed for Year 1 support basic IT skills (including word processing), the use of ChemDraw and Excel, and searching for information about chemicals.

  • Equality & Diversity workshop (KDC& LCJ 2 hours)

Looking at issues of Equality & Diversity as part of Becoming a Professional Chemist,

  • Enhancing your Employability (LCJ, 1 hour workshop + online private study)

1 hour computer workshop to introduce the Employability Tutorial (to be completed online)

  • Revision mentor workshops (5 hours)

Five 1 hour drop-in sessions delivered by college student mentors to revise the material covered during the previous half term.

  • Obtaining work experience session (1 hour)

Interactive 1 hour session (including role-play) to identify opportunities for work experience with organisations outside of the University and to gain confidence in applying for work experience.

Indicative assessment

Task Length % of module mark
Closed/in-person Exam (Centrally scheduled)
Mathematics for Chemists
1 hours 40
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled)
Errors & Uncertainty & Physics & Quantitative Skills
1 hours 30
Oral presentation/seminar/exam
Group Presentation
3 hours 30

Special assessment rules


Additional assessment information

The Group presentations take place in college symposia held on Thursday and Friday of Week 10, term 1. Each presentation lasts 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of audience questions. The deadline for submitting the abstracts for these presentations is 12:00 of Friday of week 9, term 1.

Indicative reassessment

Task Length % of module mark
Closed/in-person Exam (Centrally scheduled)
Mathematics for Chemists
1 hours 40
Online Exam -less than 24hrs (Centrally scheduled)
Errors & Uncertainty & Physics & Quantitative Skills
1 hours 30

Module feedback

Verbal feedback available in workshops; marks from presentations supplied at the start of the Spring Term.

Closed exam results with per-question breakdown are returned to the students, along with the marked scripts, via supervisors within 5 weeks (as per special approval by the University Teaching Committee). Outline answers are made available via the Chemistry web pages when the students receive their marks, so that they can assess their own detailed progress/achievement. The examiners’ reports for each question are made available to the students via the Chemistry web pages.

For the Mathematics for Chemists course, students need to solve homework problems on a weekly basis. Detailed solutions are placed on the VLE before the next maths session when students have the opportunity to discuss their mistakes with the GTAs and the lecturer. The GTAs also organise weekly office hours during which students can discuss the material and obtain further assistance with the problems.

The online Building a Biological Background test provides instant feedback after each question.

Indicative reading

Cockett and Doggett, "Maths for Chemists", RSC publishing, 2nd Edition

Voet and Voet, "Biochemistry", John Wiley and sons, 4th Edition

The information on this page is indicative of the module that is currently on offer. The University constantly explores ways to enhance and improve its degree programmes and therefore reserves the right to make variations to the content and method of delivery of modules, and to discontinue modules, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary. In some instances it may be appropriate for the University to notify and consult with affected students about module changes in accordance with the University's policy on the Approval of Modifications to Existing Taught Programmes of Study.