Effective Creative Practice: Creativity, Theory And The Craft Of Writing - CED00005M
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- Department: Centre for Lifelong Learning
- Credit value: 20 credits
- Credit level: M
Academic year of delivery: 2022-23
Module will run
Occurrence |
Teaching period |
A |
Autumn Term 2022-23 |
Module aims
The module aims to:
- Explore creativity and its links to scholarly and imaginative practice
- Establish a tone of academic rigour alongside inspirational creativity
- Develop knowledge of approaches designed to promote creativity
- Extend the range of writing experience through the examination and production of literature in poetry, prose and scripting
- Develop communication, comprehension and co-operation alongside analytical, critical thinking
- Develop research skills
- Develop self awareness as a literary practitioner
- Facilitate the development of critiquing skills
- Develop confidence in the generation of new writing
- Create regular reflective practice, through the keeping of a Learning Log
Module learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Subject content
- Understand how creativity is generated and harnessed
- Understand a range of techniques and conventions within the varied forms of creative writing; poetry, prose and scripting
- Use appropriate narrative and poetic techniques
- Demonstrate innovative thought
- Critically reflect and discuss their own, and the writing of other, students
Academic and graduate skills
- Show knowledge of key critical theory
- An ability to read closely and critically in a range of literary and non-literary texts
- Demonstrate an ability to articulate literary criticism in scholarly terms
- Employ research skills
- Reflect critically on their own and other students work
Other learning outcomes
- Display self confidence in their writing
- Be an active group member who is valued and values others
- Have increased sensitivity and support to other group members
- Exercise initiative, personal autonomy, the ability to work to a deadline, a word limit and within a specific form
Indicative assessment
Task |
% of module mark |
Essay/coursework |
100 |
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
Task |
% of module mark |
Essay/coursework |
100 |
Module feedback
The tutor will give regular individual feedback throughout the module on work submitted.
The assessment feedback is as per the university’s guidelines with regard to timings.
Indicative reading
- Csikszentmihali, M. Creativity. (1996) London: HarperCollins.
- Morley, D. The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing. (2007) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Woolf,J. Writing About Literature. (2005) Oxon: Routledge
- Straczynski, J.M. The Complete Book of Scriptwriting. (1997) USA: Writers Digest Books.
- Strand, M. & Boland, E. The Making of a Poem. (2001) USA: Norton Paperbacks
- Zander, R. & Zander,B. The Art of Possibility: Transforming professional and Personal Life. (2000) Boston, USA: Harvard Business School
- Anderson, L. Creative Writing. (2006) Oxon: Routledge
- Cameron,J. The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. (10th anniversary edition) (2006) USA: Jeremy P. Tarcher. (Penguin)