Could you represent the Class of 2024 at your graduation, and leave a lasting impression of your time at York?

At each graduation ceremony in 2024, there will be an opportunity for a graduating student to give a personal message to their classmates, family and friends.

This could be you! We hope it will be an unforgettable experience - and one which could enhance your CV.

If you’re selected as a student orator, you’ll be awarded a certificate in recognition of your contribution.

Previous student orators

Stuck for inspiration? Why not have a look at these orators from the July 2023 graduations:

How to apply

To apply to become a Student Orator, complete the form below by Friday 21 June.

Apply to be a Student Orator

All shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview on Tuesday 25, Wednesday 26 or Thursday 27 June - interviews can take place online or by telephone. We’ll let you know whether your application is successful by Tuesday 2 July

If you are chosen, you will need to present a first-draft of your three minute speech by Monday 8 July. Three minutes equates to between 300 and 500 words. Your speech might include the following:

  • brief thanks to the individuals responsible for your success;
  • an anecdote relating to your experience at York;
  • a reflection on what that experience has enabled you to learn and;
  • a conclusion reflecting on why that learning experience has been valuable, or what others in your graduating class can take away from it.

We’ll give feedback on your draft by Monday 15 July. You should then deliver a second draft of your speech by Monday 22 July

Further details will be confirmed with successful applicants.


If you’d like to find out more, email

Good luck, and we hope to hear from you soon!