Graduation ceremony eligibility
If you successfully achieve your intended award, you will be invited to have your award conferred at a graduation ceremony.
Your invitation to attend a graduation ceremony is sent to your e:Vision account.
If you don't achieve your intended award
If you do not achieve your intended award, you may be awarded a lower exit - where you’ve received enough credit to achieve a qualification but not necessarily at degree level.
It’s important to note that not all lower exits are eligible to attend graduation.
Eligible graduation awards
- Research Degrees – PHD, DPhil, MRes
- Masters Degrees – MSc, MA, MEng, MSocW, MBA, MPA
- Bachelor’s Degrees – BSc, BEng, BA (honours and ordinary degrees), MBBS
- Post Graduate Certificate and Diplomas (when it was the intended award, not when achieved as a lower exit)
Awards which are NOT eligible to attend graduation
Any lower exit not at degree level, including:
- Postgraduate Certificate
- Postgraduate Diploma
- Certificate of Higher Education
- Diploma of Higher Education
You may be invited to attend a graduation ceremony before the final outcome of your course is known. Please note that, if you do not achieve an eligible award, your invitation is withdrawn.
Those not attending a graduation ceremony receive their certificate electronically on Gradintel and a physical copy posted to you.
Please ensure that your contact address is up to date on e:Vision, including after you finish your studies.
Should I attend if I'm appealing an award or classification?
If you are appealing your award or classification, we strongly recommend that you still attend your graduation ceremony. Award classifications are not announced in the ceremony.
If your appeal is successful, you will only be invited to another graduation ceremony if your award completely changes (for example, from a PG Cert to Master of Arts).
You will not be invited to another ceremony if you receive a classification change (for example, from a 2:1 to a 1st) or if your appeal is unsuccessful.