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Global opportunities on campus

There are many ways that York students can gain international experience without leaving York. The Global Opportunities team provides short courses for students from around the world with which York students can get involved through events and work experience opportunities.

Keep updated with all our upcoming global opportunities on campus:

Register to be on the Short Courses mailing list

For more information on any opportunity, contact 

Intercultural Communication workshops

This June, Global Opportunities is running two in-person workshops on Intercultural Communication for University of York students and students from a partner institution in Hong Kong. The events are open to undergraduates and postgraduates of any faculty.

The sessions will be run as workshops and will involve discussion with other participants. There is no charge for attending.

There will be two sessions in total, all on campus:

Intercultural workshop 1: Monday 10 June 2024 1-3pm
Intercultural workshop 2: Monday 17 June 2024  1-3pm

Book your place

You are welcome to complete this form even if you can only attend one session but preference will be given to those who can attend more as spaces are limited.