At York we aim to provide every student with an opportunity to gain an international experience.

Not only will it enrich your educational experience, it will prepare you for a career in a competitive and global job market. 

The Global Opportunities office is located in Derwent College (D/A/023) on Campus West and is open to visitors Tuesday-Thursday, 11am to 1pm (undergraduate teaching weeks only).

Get support and contact us 

Applications for summer exchange opportunities in 2025 are now closed. 

Applications for year abroad study exchange in the 2025/26 academic year are closed. Applications for year abroad study exchange in the 2026/27 academic year are due to open in November 2025.

Visit the How to apply webpage for more information and to submit your application. 

We will be providing further information and updates on our Finances and funding webpage about 2024/25 Turing Scheme funding in due course. 

Why go abroad?

Going abroad and taking advantage of one of our opportunities below will help you to:

  • broaden your cultural and social perspectives
  • stand out from the crowd (less than 8 per cent of UK students have studied abroad)
  • enhance your employability
  • boost your self-confidence, independence and ambition
  • conquer challenges, solve problems and discover new strengths and abilities
  • develop your language and communication skills
  • build up your personal and professional networks
  • work on skills identified in York Strengths

Study abroad

Explore all your options for studying abroad.

Work abroad

Thinking of an international placement year or summer internship?

Summer abroad

Summer opportunities.

Support and contacts

Help and advice to plan your time abroad.

Can I get funding?

There are various grants and scholarships available to help fund your time abroad.

Study exchange: Some scholarships may be available if you study at one of our University-wide exchange destinations (subject to eligibility criteria). There may be funding available, through the government's Turing Scheme, to help support your studies if you're on a study or work placement as part of your degree. The Global Opportunities team will contact eligible students with more information as soon as it is available.

Summer abroad: Limited funding may be available if you go abroad during the summer. 

York Futures Scholarship: Our alumni community fund scholarships which give students access to personal and professional development opportunities, including international mobility. Find out more about the level of support available, eligibility criteria and application deadlines. 

Explore further information on funding your global opportunity


Come along to our information sessions to find out more about opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad. See our Global Opportunities events calendar for more details.