Posted on 4 March 2024
It is important for our travel and transport team to have an understanding of how you travel to, from and around the University, as well as what improvements you want to see made, whether you walk, cycle, take the bus, scoot or drive.
The survey deadline is midnight on 22 March and you will be given the option to be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad or £20 First Bus m-ticket bundle. It will take only 5 minutes to complete.
We are committed to improving our travel and transport provision, making it both enjoyable and accessible for all staff and students. The results of the survey will inform the ongoing development and implementation of travel links to campus, improve our sustainable transport planning and development of accessible travel across campus, as well as further improve our overall travel provision.
Feedback from previous Travel and Transport Surveys have informed a new action plan of measures which have been incorporated into the University of York Travel Plan, to be delivered by the University over the next three years. This includes support for walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing and greener business travel.