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Summer wellbeing: enter our nature photography competition

Posted on 21 June 2024

Summer is finally here and the campus is vibrant with the sounds, sights and smells of nature in full bloom - did you know that connecting with nature can help your wellbeing?

Connecting with nature has many benefits, including reducing anxiety, helping sleep and improved concentration.

To encourage you to connect with nature, we are holding a summer photography competition -  and you could win a signed copy of the award-winning nature memoir 'The Flow' by Amy Jane Beer, plus a £25 Amazon voucher.

We’ll also use the best photos (fully credited) in student support areas, to promote the benefits of getting out in nature and provide a welcoming atmosphere for students seeking help.

How to enter

Send your nature photos to by 5pm on Wednesday 31 July 2024

Get out and about

Campus is home to over 70 different tree species, both native and non-native to the British Isles. Discover more about them with our guided walking tree trails, a great way to explore campus in all four seasons. There is also the Long Boiology art trail, celebrating the longest duck on the lake and the outstanding research and education that goes on in the Department of Biology.

Our campus

Read more about the health effects of nature and discover more ways to connect:

Competition details

  • Please put PHOTO COMP as the email subject when sending the email
  • By entering this competition, you are giving us permission to use your photo for any in-house University use, including social media.  You will be fully credited each time it is used
  • The competition is open to current students only - please include your full name and college when submitting a photo
  • Please do not include people in the photo, as we will not be able to use the photo without seeking their permission
  • Please take due regard for your safety and the safety of others when planning and taking the photographs, being especially careful around water
  • Please do not disturb or harass wildlife when taking the photos, or damage/remove any plants or other items

Take only photos, leave only footprints!

Success at York

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Success at York Toolkit