Posted on 4 January 2019
Whether you want to use wifi or the wired network, if you're on campus, or working elsewhere, find out how to connect your new device:
If you've got a new games console, you need to use either the mydevices wifi network or the wired network to connect it in your study bedroom; you need to register it before you can connect.
Your first step to keeping your device safe from security breaches and malware infection is to keep it up to date. Updates will include security patches, bug fixes and new features, and on many devices you can set them up to install automatically. Find out how:
Install anti-virus/malware software on your machine - for Windows, we recommend using Microsoft's own Windows Defender, which is free. You may not need anti-virus/malware software on Mac OS as it will actively try to prevent you opening malicious files; however, if you want to install additional protection, we recommend Sophos which is available free to students. Find out more, including advice on protecting your mobile:
As a student here, you can get lots of different software packages for your own computer either free or at a discount.
The University has subscribed to Office 365 to provide you with a free copy of the MS Office suite, which you can install on up to five different devices.
Find out more at:
There's a range of other software available to you too, including EndNote Web, SPSS, and Maple. Find out what you can install, and how, at: