Posted on 27 April 2017
The York Award is a way for you to demonstrate to employers that you have worked proactively while at university to develop yourself beyond your degree.
Use examples from your extra-curricular activities, societies, volunteering and work experience to show that your time at York is preparing you in a well-rounded way to become an excellent future employee.
The York Award can be completed as stage one, or Gold, and from Autumn Term 2017 we will be introducing . First year students and postgraduate students can apply for stage one, and second year and postgraduate students can apply for Gold.
If you've been thinking about applying for York Award stage one, there's still, time, but you need to act now and make sure your application is in by 5.00pm on Tuesday 2 May.
Come along to our 'Get it done!' session this afternoon and hammer out your application in a dedicated computer room, Thursday 27 April 2017, 1.00pm to 7.00pm, G/169. Careers staff will be on hand to answer your questions.
By engaging with the York Award you have the opportunity to be fast tracked into York Futures, our industry-leading development programme designed to help you understand your personal strengths and how you can use them in future career areas.
York Futures will enable you to take charge of your career journey, build your confidence, understand the opportunities open to you and move forward towards the graduate career that's right for you.
Find out more about York Strengths.