There are so many ways to make your time at York a great success.

  • Opportunities for you to get involved in activities, societies, sport and student representation
  • Personal development through internships, volunteering, studying or working abroad and leadership skills training

Make the most of your time at uni and give yourself the best competitive edge in a global workplace by developing new skills, living new experiences and gaining the confidence you need to succeed – make the most of you.

Academic skills development

We provide a range of services to help you build, develop and perfect the skills you need to be exceptional. The Academic Skills Community brings together our Library, Writing Centre, Maths Skills Centre, integrity@york, and Careers and Placements Team. Develop your skills via online resources, workshops, community groups, and one-to-one appointments.

Career planning

It's never too early to start thinking about your future career. In fact the earlier you start, the more confident you'll feel when it comes to making applications towards the end of your studies. 

In your first year you’re likely to be in the exploration and self-reflection stage of planning. Look out for your printed copy of Your Career Journey which outlines some of the early steps you can take in your first year. This includes our York Strengths programme, designed specifically for first years. 

Study or work abroad

All York students have the opportunity to study and work abroad. Experience new cultures, learn new languages and stand out in front of employers. Funding opportunities are available to help you achieve this.

You can also take advantage of our free language and cultural awareness courses with Languages for International Mobility (LFIM).

Languages at York

Want to stay in York but still want an international outlook? Learning a language can be a life-changing experience, boost your career prospects, allow you to develop key transferable skills, and open a window into different ways of thinking, communicating, and experiencing the world. 

Languages at York provides a range of languages to study either as part of your degree or as an extracurricular activity. 

Students' Union

YUSU, our students’ union, offers you lots of opportunities to get involved in student representation at academic and union level, volunteering and charity work. Get great experience and something for your CV. 


Be more than a member - become part of the team running societies to develop your skills, such as leadership, events organising and finance.


Get involved with organising events, running the Junior Common Room, competing in college sports, and much more, to get the most out of your time at uni.

Student support

We provide online and face-to-face support for your physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing to help you stay happy and healthy at York.

  • Student support services
    Help with practical issues such as finance, housing, immigration, or any personal health issues. See the Student Hub.
  • College
    Access support from your Assistant Head of College or College Administrator, residential tutors, or the Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC).
  • Supervisor
    Your supervisor will encourage and support you in your studies and is there to listen and to help you with any academic issues.

Support and advice

Your wellbeing

Our health and wellbeing pages have information on looking after your physical and mental health, so that you can get the most out of your university experience.

Adjusting to university life

What next?

See our student pages for information and guidance you'll need during your time at York.