Worried about meeting new people?

It's common for new students to worry about making friends at York but we have lots of support available to help you find your feet. Your department, college, students' union, and student support services all run activities to help you meet people and settle in. 

If you have any immediate questions, you can talk to current students now via Unibuddy webchat.

Chat with a current student

Online groups

Make friends before you arrive by joining our various Facebook groups - more details are available over the summer.

Your college will send you a link to their online groups. If you're living on campus, you'll be able to find your housemates in accommodation block groups once you are given your room number at the start of September.

Learn more about Welcome Week events by joining social media groups linked to the University, your department, and YUSU, our Students' Union.

University of York


Find your department or college in our list of all University of York social media accounts.

Join the conversation

What are others saying about starting at York? Join the conversation and see what you can expect when you get here.

Follow the #UoYFreshers hashtag on Twitter and tell us why you #LoveYork!

Your college

Your college community will help you settle in from day one. Every college runs social and induction events to help you meet other new students. You can buy tickets and wrist bands to YUSU and college events before you come. You may want to wait until you get here to see if your new friends are going - but be aware that sometimes events will sell out.

College mentors

If you're living on campus, our Second and Third Year Contacts (STYCs) are on hand when you arrive to help you into campus accommodation. They will also check in on you during Welcome Week.

You'll also be assigned a Second and Third Year Mentor (STYM) who will support you throughout your first year, checking in with you two or three times per term.

Faith and religion

A number of chaplains and religious/faith groups organise social events and services.

Find out more about faith and religion at the University.

Student communities

We have tailored support for different communities of students.

Get a Step Ahead

The Step Ahead programme provides enhanced support for certain groups of students to help you meet people and settle into York. 

Check to see if you're eligible.

Sign up for your Step Ahead induction

Request a student buddy

Our Student Buddying Scheme helps new students who belong to our student communities settle into university life. We match you with an existing student so you have a first point of contact who can share their experiences and be on hand (either in person or online) with friendly advice. 

Our trained Student Buddies have all completed at least one year of study at York and so know what it's like to be a student here. You can even contact them before you arrive in York.

Request a buddy