Welcome to Global Short Courses

Global Opportunities provides summer schools and short courses in York for partner universities and at locations around the world for York students.

Our programmes connect York globally with partners around the world.

Contact us

Global Opportunities

+44 (0) 1904 322846
Derwent College, University of York, YO10 5DD

Help and support

Ask us anything - we’re here to help! Our office is based in Derwent College. Come in at any time to talk about any issues or questions you may have, no matter how big or small! Your main contacts are:

  • Sophia Liu
  • Jenni Lane
  • Leena Arakkal

They can be contacted at global-shortcourses@york.ac.uk 

Our Student Social Coordinators (SSC) are also here to help. They’re students at the University of York and they organise trips, events and socials for you, as well as show you around the campus and attend some of your meals.

This is the best summer programme I can possibly imagine. I enjoyed every minute of it. I have met with wonder[ful] people, both the students and the staff, and have been to wonderful places and seen wonderful art.

- Previous short courses student

Contact us

Global Opportunities

+44 (0) 1904 322846
Derwent College, University of York, YO10 5DD