Your department is looking forward to welcoming you!

Look out for any induction or welcome events run by your department to help you meet staff and students on your programme.

Your timetable will be released on Wednesday 11 September 2024.

Your department will arrange for you to meet your supervisor early in your first semester. Read our advice on how to get the most from your supervisory sessions.

Masters students: pre-arrival study

Many departments provide pre-arrival information to prepare you for starting your studies. It's important that you do preparatory work so that you can make the best possible start to your studies at York.

If your department's information is located in the Yorkshare VLE or in a password protected section of the University website then you will need to have upgraded your IT account and enrolled before you can access it. See Things to do first for details on how to do this.

Postgraduate researcher?

Find out what you need to do in your first year on the York Graduate Research School pages.

Information for new postgraduate researchers