Coronavirus: looking after your mental health and wellbeing
We recognise that this is a very challenging time for all students, and want to reassure you that - wherever you may currently be - the University is still here to support you.
Stay informed
It is important to stay informed, but keep to trusted sources of information: misinformation and speculation can cause anxiety to worsen. For the latest information and advice regarding the University’s response, you should refer to the University’s COVID-19 pages. The latest health advice is available from NHS Coronavirus advice for everyone.
You may also wish to limit the amount of time you spend reading or watching things which aren't making you feel better. Perhaps decide on a specific time to check in with the news.
Stay connected
You may be feeling isolated at the moment, removed from your usual communities and social circles. However, staying connected is a great way to support and maintain your wellbeing in challenging times, so make sure you check in with your friends, families and University support, such as the colleges and Student Unions.
Helping you to look after yourself and stay connected to your friends and other college members remains at the heart of what your college does. Keep updated with college-related information via your college's social media pages.
College staff remain available via telephone and email. The best way to get in touch is to email the usual college email address (eg alcuin

Student Hub

The Student Hub continues to offer support via email and telephone - see the Student Hub web pages for contact information. The preferred method is via email and they will respond to you as quickly as possible.
Open Door
Support from the team of mental health practitioners at Open Door is still available. Complete the online referral form to use the service. If you feel unable to complete the form please let us know by emailing opendoor
See help and support for an extensive list of organisations that can help you.
Stay connected: Student Unions
See the YUSU Coronavirus blog for their updates and check out the YUSU Covid-19 Community Facebook Page for ideas, tips and opportunities to stay connected with the University community.
The GSA's Keep Home and Carry On campaign provides a community space to help #SmashIsolation. They have top tips to squash loneliness through a series of online events for our postgrad community.
Advice services are still available
YUSU Advice & Support Centre (ASC)
Email asc
GSA Advice Service
Book an appointment online or email advice

External advice
- BBC: University students: Tips and tricks to help you cope in a pandemic
- NHS Every Mind Matters: Coronavirus and mental wellbeing
- Mind: Coronavirus and your wellbeing
- Student Minds: Coronavirus and mental health
- BBC: Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health
- Rethink Mental Illness: Managing your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak
- Anxiety UK: Coronanxiety support and resources