Information you need to know about your on-campus accommodation.

Things to know

Once you've settled into your room on campus, you should familiarise yourself with the following information.

Resident's facilities

Information on your accommodation facilities: water, launderettes. heating, mail, TV, parking and appliance manuals.

Cleaning, recycling and waste

Keeping your accommodation clean: your responsibilities and how we'll help you.

Living with others

Noise and guest rules that you should follow and how to deal with with flatmate problems should they occur.

Safety and security

Your responsibilities, PAT sessions, keys, security, fire and electrical safety information.

Your room

Staff accessing your room

We'll need to access your accommodation throughout the year for inspections, safety checks and routine maintenance. We'll aim to give you at least 24 hours notice beforehand, unless there is an emergency, we are carrying out a statutory safety inspection or we suspect a safety breach which may put others in danger.