Case studies
This page gathers examples of some of the work being done across the University, in faculties and in Professional Services, to reduce unnecessary workload.
Updates March 2024
Teaching and Learning
- Simplified APR process, taken a data led approach and will refine further as data are available
- Removed periodic reviews
- Simplified programme approval and withdrawal process and have a fast track way to market as needed
- Provided departments with the option around exceptional circumstances to reduce academic burden and input
- Simplified award and progression rules
- Streamlined and simplified research processes including through end-to-end support and better use of our digital tools
- Clarified postgraduate research policies and processes
- Increased income for research through better cost recovery, diversification of funding sources and clearer costing and pricing policies
- Work on costing and pricing and a new consultancy policy are well underway and will shortly be ready for consultation
Other key actions
- Reduced and refocused Planning Committee meetings
- Simplified and brought clarity to decision making around budgeting and our Integrated Infrastructure Plan
- Reduced layers of approvals concerning probation
- Refocused University Partnership Enterprise Committee (UPEC) to strategic rather than operational oversight
- Realigned and reduced the overlap in enterprise activity
Admin hub
This information point provides training material, help and guidance on common administrative processes, for new and existing administrators.
We have updated and gathered all the information into one place to make it easier to find. Administrators will spend less time searching for relevant and important information to help them complete processes.
Several processes have been stopped, standardised, simplified or digitised. There is new guidance to help communicate about these processes.
The hub makes it clear which processes should be used, so the admin community can deliver a consistent approach, share best practices and support each other.

Booking business travel
To make booking travel quicker and to reduce the amount of time administrators spend booking travel, we are enabling a self-service system for booking travel.
All staff can book their own straightforward travel requirements via the University’s contracted Travel Management Companies.
More complex bookings will be made with the help of a department administrator or Travel rep by completing a request form.
This will reduce the time spent finding and sharing information and confirming details between staff. It will remove duplication and reduce email traffic.
Admin Slack channel

This is a place for administrators to ask questions, quickly get help and receive updates from channel managers.
The channel is open to all new and existing administrators across the University.
It will help administrators quickly and confidently adopt the new improved processes, and will ensure the entire admin community knows what is happening and when.