Wednesday 1 December 2021, 1.30PM
Speaker(s): Simon Breeden, Head of Technical Services Holly Jones, Regional STEM ambassador hub manager Abbie Smy, Engagement Officer for North Yorkshire's STEM Ambassador Hub.
SAVE THE DATE: Festive TechYork networking event over mulled wine and mince pies with (1) an update on all things technical and a Q&A from our Head of Technical Services, Simon Breeden and (2) an Introduction to the STEM Ambassador programme.
Please sign up to the event now so we can buy enough mince pies and mulled wine!
If you have a question you would like to ask Simon, please feel free to add to our form or ask at the event.
Location: Biology B/K/018 lecture theatre for the talks/Q&A; Biology B/K atrium for mulled wine and mince pies