This fund has been allocated by the Technician Commitment Steering Group to ensure technical colleagues can independently apply for funding to facilitate their attendance at appropriate conferences/trade shows to support the development of their technical skills, expertise and networking.
To be eligible to apply to the Technical Conference/Trade Show Fund you must be a member of technical staff in an academic department at the time of applying. This is open to core and research-funded staff.
So far in 2024, three applications have been funded: one from Chemistry, one from the School of ACT and one from Biology.
There are four application deadlines:
To apply, please complete the Technician's Conference/Trade Show Fund - Application Form.
You must be a member of technical staff (support or research) in one of the academic departments.
Valid expenditure includes conference registration fees, standard class travel, accommodation and subsistence in line with the University’s Travel and Expenses Policy.
A maximum of £300 can be applied for, per application, and a maximum of one application, per year. Technicians are encouraged to apply for matched/supplementary funding to cover the costs from their school/department, or if you are a member of a professional body such as the RSC, RSB or IoP.
The Technical Conference Fund is for relevant conferences and trade shows only.
Forms must be submitted by 5pm on the appropriate deadline (as detailed above).
Applications will be evaluated by the Technician Commitment Delivery Group, a group of volunteer technicians, representing a breadth of schools, departments, grades, in research and support roles.
Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within three weeks of the closing date.